Sunday, May 17, 2020
Essay on SWOT Analysis - 627 Words
SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT stands for the internal strengths, weakness and the external opportunities and threats. A swot analysis summarises the key issues from the industry and the strategic capability of an organisation that are most likely to impact on strategy development. Strengths  · Strong brand awareness. (Next has a strong heritage and roots in its brand perception relating to good design and quality)  · Truly integrated multi-channel clothing retailer. (Its Internet operations are seamless with the directory and the company also uses this channel to drive customers into stores.)  · The Next womenswear blouse collection is a combination of design, quality and comfort.  · Good value for money.  · Costs of†¦show more content†¦As a result, consumers are likely to see prices of clothing fall by between 5% and 10% in 2005, further capping growth in the value of the market).  · The UK industry is strong in fashion and design, leading to a reputable international brand.  · They cater to all segment markets like maternity wear, petite and the sizes for the blouses go up to size 22 from size 6. Weakness  · May need to consider having a faster response fashion range.  · Store interiors can be somewhat bland and uninspiring.  · Fierce competition is leading to heavy discounting that is eroding profit margins.  · Under-potentialised in the fashionable group of young women between 18 to 23yrs.  · Lack of consumer awareness of the Next blouse collection. (survey, see appendix)  · They have not used all the channels for promoting their products e.g. TV, magazines, radios and newspapers.  · Customer services. Opportunities  · Can improve fashion appeal in womenswear blouses.  · There is still plenty of potential for further consolidation in the market.  · There is potential for further expansion abroad and growth of franchise business.  · As the number of working women continues to increase, they will not only need more clothes for work but are also more likely to have the financial independence which will lead to the increase their spending onShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis Of Swot And Swot Analysis738 Words  | 3 Pagesknown as SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is business analysis method that business can use for each of its department when deciding on the most perfect way to increase their business and future growth. This procedure identifies the internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are in the markets. SWOT analysis helps you decide your position against your competitors, identifies best future opportunities, and highlight current and future threats. SWOT analysis is an acronymRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Swot Analysis : Swot1223 Words  | 5 PagesOnStar – SWOT Analysis To help OnStar determine if home monitoring services should be added to its list of products and services, a SWOT analysis should be completed. A SWOT analysis is a situation analysis or tool used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization (SWOT Analysis Definition | Investopedia, 2005). Thus, it is a basic straightforward model that determines what an organization, like OnStar, can and cannot do, as well as determines its opportunitiesRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Swot Analysis : Swot911 Words  | 4 Pages SWOT Analysis In the article â€Å"SWOT analysis†Harmon (2015) offered a definition for SWOT analysis, the purpose of the SWOT analysis, the advantages of performing a SWOT analysis, and outlined and discussed the four components of the SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is a planning and brainstorming tool that helps people evaluate an idea or project for a business or formulate a business plan (Harmon, 2015). It should be noted that SWOT analysis is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, OpportunitiesRead MoreSwot Analysis : Swot And Swot1081 Words  | 5 PagesSWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis (SWOT matrix) first used by Stanford Research Institute during 1960-1970 and it was presented by Mr. Albert S. Humphrey a American business and management consultant by using data from fortune 500 companies. We can succeed in our life if we use our talents to our full extent. Similarly, we‘ll have some problems if we know our weakness are, and if we manage these weaknesses so that we don’t matter in the work we do. To understand more about our self and our externalRead MoreSwot Analysis : A Swot1708 Words  | 7 Pages A SWOT analysis is â€Å"a structured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture.†( analysis, 03/11/14). A swot analysis can also be used to examine a person’s attributes. The strengths and weaknesses usually are internal factors whereas threats and opportunities are mainly external. Advantage Disadvantage Internal Strengths 1. Self-motivated 2. I am organised; accurate and pay attentionRead MoreSwot Analysis : Swot And Swot2320 Words  | 10 PagesSWOT analysis focuses on the internal factors which are the company’s strengths and weaknesses as well as the external factors which are the opportunities and threats which are gained from situational analysis, which focuses on summarizing all the pertinent information acquired about the key three environments of internal, customer, and external (Ferrell Hartline, 2014, p. 39). A SWOT analysis further gives a company precise advantages and disadvantages in satisfying the needs of its selectedRead MoreSwot Analysis : A Swot852 Words  | 4 PagesStrength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, commonly known as a SWOT analysis is used by businesses. Organizations use the SWOT analysis technique to figure out and understand their areas of strong suits (strengths), their inevitable flaws (weaknesses), prospects that the organization could look into (opportunities) a nd things that pose as intimidations to the organization (threats). There are many obstacles to overcome when it comes to international expansion. Obstacles such as; language andRead MoreSwot Analysis : Swot And Swot1957 Words  | 8 PagesSWOT analysis focuses on the internal factors which are the company’s strengths and weaknesses as well as the external factors which are the opportunities and threats which are gained from situational analysis which focuses on summarizing all the pertinent information acquired about the key three environments of internal, customer, and external (Ferrell Hartline, 2014, p. 39). A SWOT analysis further gives a company precise advantages and disadvantages in satisfying the needs of its selected marketsRead MoreSwot Analysis : The Swot1215 Words  | 5 PagesThe SWOT analysis was originally introduced by Andrews Christiansen, Guth and Learned in 1969 and its basic organizing principles have remained largely unchanged in the field of str ategic management. [BADEN-FULLER, C. H. A. R. L. E. S., STOPFORD, J. (2002). The Firm Matters More than the Industry. Strategy for Business: A Reader, 123.] It is a systematic framework which helps managers to develop their business strategies by appraising their internal and external determinants of their organization’sRead MoreSwot Analysis : The Swot1888 Words  | 8 PagesThe SWOT analysis, a strategic planning tool was developed by Albert Humphrey in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Albert is said to have come up with this strategic planning tool through the use of data the Fortune 500 companies in the United States of America at that time (Lancaster Massingham, 2011). A SWOT analysis determines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which are a relevant part of any organization especially the ones that get involved in new ventures. This tool assists the users
Essay about College Expense - 1215 Words
Congrats! You’ve been accepted to the college of your choice; now all that’s left to figure out is how you’ll pay for college. Unfortunately, college costs don’t end at tuition and room and board you’ll also have to pay for textbooks, meals, transportation, and a computer with working internet. We have been told that we live in a free country, but if our country is so called â€Å"free,†how come paying for an education isn’t? The most important in my case and many low income students is trying to attend college and being able to pay without going into debt. I find myself, since 2010, hearing the same stories of previous college graduate, who have gone into debt by the time they reached their sophomore year of college. Excited to venture out†¦show more content†¦The student loan debt has reached up to $1.2 trillion in federal debt; student loans are the second highest consumer debt. A quick economics lesson, the national deb t causes many consequences when our economy isn’t functioning in the level it should be, it causes our economic growth to slow down and therefore less jobs are available and it causes interest rates to rise. According to Chris Denhart, it’s safer to receive federal loans rather than private loans. Federal student loans are easier to pay and much rather safer, because federal loans are based on the income of the student, they have fixed interest rates, and don’t have to start paying until nine months later, â€Å"making them a much safer loan for students to take.†(1) On the contrary, with private loans that isn’t the case. â€Å"Private loans have done away with late fees, and in fine print have redefined the right to claim default on the loan after missing a single payment,†(1) what does that mean? Simple, you can’t afford to miss a payment and if you do prepare to have a bad credit. A result of bad credit would lead to negative ef fects in the future as well. By having bad credit students in the long run won’t be able to invest in a house, a car, a business, etc., which would leave the economy without any money coming in. As a nation, we need more college graduates in order to stay competitive in the global economy,†Show MoreRelatedCollege Is Worth The Expense946 Words  | 4 Pages College is worth the expense. You have a higher earning potential. When you finish school, you have the necessary skills to land that good paying job. Many people have aspirations of owning things, such as owning cars or homes. Ownership is an expense not many can afford, but so many wish to achieve. Well paying jobs tend to take care of their employees. For example, higher paying jobs give their employees more benefits and vacation time: to stay healthy and well-rested. So they perform betterRead MoreIs College Still Worth The Expense?921 Words  | 4 Pagesthemselves asking is college still worth the expense? With tuition continuing to sky rocket each year. Textbooks with their outrageous sales tax. It adds up, that I am sure of. So again is it really worth it? I say, yes. College changes and shapes individuals in ways unimaginable. Whether you attend college or go immediately into the workforce, many recognize the amazing opportunities college has to offer its students. In high school, high school opens doors for college. In college, college unlocks opportunitiesRead MoreIs College Worth the Expense? Essay examples1193 Words  | 5 Pageshas helped the US rise economically and industrially. Today, the US is in the middle of the same debate- this time, over college. Some, like David Leonhardt, a columnist for the business section of The New York Times, think a college education creates success in any job. Others, such as Christopher Beha, an author and assistant editor of Harper’s Magazine, believe that some college â€Å"education†(like that of for-profit schools) is a waste of time, and can even be harmful to students. Each stance on thisRead MoreAmerica Needs High School Incentive Programs To Help Students Pay College Expenses2284 Words  | 10 Pagesthe most money. Most of these jobs ne ed to make it so a higher education like college is needed to be able to even make it in the field. College is not by any means cheap, depending on what college is chosen, yes it can be less money but it is still thousands of dollars by the time the degree is earned. Many people that want to go to college cannot afford it, therefore cannot reach the dream job. In order to make college accessible to those who are truly deserving, incentive programs such as offeringRead MoreCollege Expenses : The True Nightmare1669 Words  | 7 Pages College Expenses: The True Nightmare As a child, the road to adulthood seems like a beautiful dream. They could not wait to be adults and earn the pride and respect they rightfully deserved as children. As we grew older, we became more frightful of being adult. There was no joy to having to pay taxes. We couldn’t find happiness in our debts. Growing up meant having an education forced onto them, but after the mandatory years were done, we had to pay for an education society deemed as necessary.Read MoreQuestions On Financial Expenses For College Students1102 Words  | 5 Pagesthat impending students should consider, they are: 1. NCLEX: Successful passing rates. Scores are granted from 0 to 100% passing. A rate of 90 % or more is a good indicator of the success of the graduating students. 2. Tuition Costs: Financial expenses can steer you in one direction over another. 3. Length of program: Length of the program can realize one’s goals according to one’s timetable. 4. Class size: Whether you like a lecture type of classes or smaller more personal, this decision isRead MoreSchool Social Workers Should Be Paid For Their College Expenses1694 Words  | 7 Pagesthem to apply (Perez, 2010). Scholarships are the main resource that undocumented students use to pay for their college expenses (Educators for Fair Consideration, 2011). Many organizations, such as the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, have organized extensive lists of scholarships specifically for undocumented students (Perez, 2010). There are also private colleges that offer undocumented students full scholarships (Perez, 2010). School social workers should discuss with careerRead MoreFinancial Analysis of Lee College1527 Words  | 7 PagesFinancial Analysis of Lee College Not-for-profit organizations are required to produce financial statements that provide information about their financial position and performance. Lee College is a private, not-for-profit college that prepares its financial statements in accordance to the accounting standards of the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO). I will prepare a Statement of Activities, a Statement of Unrestricted Revenues, Expenses, and Other Changes inRead MoreSample Resume : Sports Program1000 Words  | 4 Pagesorganize participants, programs, costs of equipment and merchandise etc. as well as calculate the over all expenses within the year of the program. Per those requirements, all revenues, expenses and capitalized expenditures on behalf of this men and woman track and field program, including those by outside supplies, are reported on annually. We hope to break even after calculating all our expenses. Recreation or Sport Program My program is in the Public council sector and it is organized by the governmentRead MoreThe Warehouse Group And The Salvation Army And Waikato Tainui1206 Words  | 5 PagesWaikato stretch as far as the Waikato River. They want to enhance the local iwi and tribe to bring the locals closer together. They are split up into 4 entities and they focus on the iwi’s land, river, property and research for the local Waikato-Tainui College (Waikato Tainui, n.d.). Types of Info Most of the Information that the Warehouse group shares in their report is financial. A vast majority is made up of their statements. This would be because they would have thousands of transactions going through
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Managing Human Resources at a Nursing Home Essay - 2781 Words
1.1 In the essay I will be explaining the important processes in human resources. Within human resources there are many factors to be considered when planning recruitment within health and social care. As a trainee HR officer at St Judes nursing home the factors to be considered when planning are; corporate objectives, financial strategies, and economic changes. Corporate objectives for example this company wants to deliver good quality services to their clients, however there are certain issues within the company that are not allowing this to happen. There is a long list of issues within the company, and these include; low pay, long hours, not enough benefits, poor working conditions, and also recruiting staff based on†¦show more content†¦For many businesses, this meant that letting go of employees, was one of their top priorities. Therefore HR would have had to carry out their task as quickly as possible, with most efficiency, as the business at the time were in need of their best employees, as they were the ones who could bring up the sales. If HR were to just look at the employee’s qualifications, and base their decisions on that, it would have a great effect on the business, as their best employees may have not had the best of qualifications. 1.2 The recruitment and selection process’s procedures and policies at St Jude’s nursing home can be altered in order to appeal to a wider range of legal context, by conforming to the UK laws and regulations. One would believe that the current staff turnover problem is actually being caused by the policies for recruitment and selection. Employment Rights Act (1996) states that all employers should write up all information in regards to the terms and conditions of the job, and that they should be easily accessed upon request. The terms and conditions should include the names of both the employer and employee, the starting date of the job, how and in what intervals payment will be made, the working hours, shift/rota as well as overtime if required, the right to have a have a holiday, and the possibility of holiday pay, the title of the job, how long theShow MoreRelatedFuture Challenges for Healthcare Management716 Words  | 3 Pagesscope of health care management encompasses administrating how services get delivered to patients, persons delivering services, locations to which services get delivered, and the financing of all involved procedures. In these, institutions like nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, public hospitals, and private clinics get involved. 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Social Work is used in multiple settings as in hospitals, nursing skilled homes, mental health and substance abuse clinics, schools, correctional facilities, community centers, child welfare agencies, employee assistance programs, and private practices. The social work profession consists of the six core values of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. These core values are portrayed within theRead MoreThe American Nurses Credentialing Center1411 Words  | 6 PagesRequirements Components Requirements to sit for the ANCC Informatics Nursing Certification are a current valid RN license, a BSN or above, or a bachelor’s degree in an applicable field, worked as a nurse full-time for two years, and continuing education hours in informatics equivalent to 30 hours within the prior three years (ANCC, 2017). Nurses must also meet one of the following criteria, completion of 2000 hours of practice in nursing informatics within the past 3 years, or 12 credit hours of graduateRead MoreA Study on Recruitment and Job Analysis for Nurses1120 Words  | 4 Pagesin the modern health care industry since hospice homes, hospitals, medical clinics, and other healthcare facilities are usually looking for nurses with diverse skills. The need for qualified and competent nurses with a broad range of skills is also fueled by the fact that other institutions like schools, prisons, and even the military needs these professionals. However, the ability of these facilities and instituti ons to recruit competent nursing professionals is influenced by the kind of recruitmentRead MoreLung Cancer : The Leading Cause Of Death Caused By Cancer1050 Words  | 5 Pagesbecomes essential after the diagnosis of incurable/inoperable lung cancer. In palliative care, the nurses and team of physicians must work together. Palliative care allows the suffering person to have a reduction in hospital stays, more time spent at home with family, and greater patient satisfaction; it also allows the patient to have a voice in the dying process (Dale, 2011). Early access to palliative care increases the persons understanding of his/her illness, and facilitates coping and symptomRead MoreIs It Ethically Correct to Hide Medication in Food and Drinks of Patients with Dementia?1534 Words  | 7 PagesIt is known that in some residential homes the use of covert drugs has become common practice. In 2001 the regulatory body, the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery, said d rugs could be given covertly if it was in the patients best interests. This statement has created a lot of debate among some human right defenders as they might enter in direct conflict to the Code of Conduct of Nursing and Midwifery where clearly states nurses must â€Å"Ensure to gain consent before beginning anyRead MoreThe Dynamic Healthcare System Prompts Health Institutions855 Words  | 4 Pagesfields such as informatics, telehealth, genetics, and genomics and as scientist and leaders in the community that are essential to the practice. In finding answers on what potential employers in the field require, I sought the assistance of a human resource manager in Juravinski hospital. Drawing on both the literature and experience, she infers that though emphasis should be on clinical training in multiple settings potential employer must also weigh both interpersonal skill and professionalism
The Effects of Computer Technology to Students Lifestyle...
The Effects of Computer Technology to Student’s Lifestyle and Study Habits†. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study In the years where computers are not yet invented, students are not yet engaged in activities using technologies. Students rely on books and visit library facilities to study, read their notes and to review their school lessons. During those years, despite the lack of computers and hi-tech gadgets students still achieve high and good grades and the students are still focused on their studies. They strive hard just to attain higher and better grades in their education. As years passed, industrial evolution occurred and great changes and improvements happened. One of these changes is the invention of the†¦show more content†¦Its amazing how computer technology has changed so much our way of living. Nowadays, purchasing products such as cellular phones, bags, household utensils, and clothes or even paying the bills can be effortlessly done at the comfort of your own home. With the use of the computer a lot of students especially those with unfortunate disabilities or severe illnesses are able to enroll to different schools through home schooling. Students are even able to take their examination tests or check out their grades by the use of the computer. To the students, the positive effect and benefit they can get from using computers is that they get instant availability of resources, preparation for examination, produces neat and readable product, can reduce the need for hard cover text books, and prepares students for using the machines in college. Today, the affect of computer technology to students depends on the student who use it. Most students now use computers in the wrong way and others don’t know how the use the computers in the way where they can get good benefits from it. The goal of this research study is to determine all the possible negative and positive effects of computer technology to the life style and study habits of students. Also, the researchers want to prove through this research that if computer technology is used in a good way, it can be very helpful to theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Computer Technology to Students Lifestyle and Study Habits†.1147 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of Computer Technology to Student’s Lifestyle and Study Habits†. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study In the years where computers are not yet invented, students are not yet engaged in activities using technologies. Students rely on books and visit library facilities to study, read their notes and to review their school lessons. During those years, despite the lack of computers and hi-tech gadgets students still achieve high and good grades and the studentsRead MoreImpacts of Technology Dependency on the Academic Performance of Usls Students1490 Words  | 6 PagesCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of Gods gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences. - Freeman Dyson Technology plays an important role in every sphere of life. It has certainly changed the way we live in different aspects of life and redefined living. Several sectors like medicine, warfare, transportation and navigation, business, economy, and even in education particularly in science and mathematicsRead MoreShould College Students Use Technology Into Their Life?1453 Words  | 6 Pagescaptivated by the constant updating of technology by either on their phones, tablets, or computers. College students no longer have to do things on their own because they have it right at the tip of their fingers--so long as their batteries are charged. College students have also become more dependent on these devices. Almost unknowingly, they have adjusted their lifestyles to fit the abilities of the devices rather use them than to accommodate their lifestyle. Have college students even stopped toRead MoreThe Effects of Computer Games to the Academic Performance of the Students2131 Words  | 9 PagesComputer addiction is a relatively new term used to describe a dependency on ones computer. Computer addiction is not limited to personal computers (PCs). It covers video games and the Internet and has already been given a label by psychologists, namely Internet addiction disorder (IAD). People can grow addicted to a variety of substances, and there is usually a substantial amount of help available to treat them. Alcohol, drugs and sex have all been known to bring out the addictive personalityRead MoreAssociation Between Internet Addiction And Obesity2096 Words  | 9 Pages Association Between Internet Addiction and Obesity Anjali Patel The University of Findlay Abstract This paper illustrates the connection of information and communication technology with obesity. The use of the internet is increased. Some researchers found that People are avoiding daily activity due to internet addiction. As a result, life style becomes sedentary. In contrast, some researchers believed that obesity is not associated with internet. This paper thus tries to focus lightRead MoreWhy Do Students Prefer Playing Online Games Rather Than Studying ?3550 Words  | 15 PagesROQUE In the modern age, computers have become a part of a student’s life. Almost all the things around us were made by computers with the aid of modern machines. From the edited books, design, special effects in movies, and television etc., were all made by computers. Along with the evolution of technology, computers continue to upgrade as well until the time that computer has now become a part of student’s everyday life that are hooked to computers. Computers can now edit documents toRead MoreHappiness : What Is It? Essay1709 Words  | 7 Pagesinterpretation of what it might be. Whether it is spending time with their family or taking the dog for a walk, it is specific to each person. Happiness is easier to find than it is made out to be. The key to being happy is simplicity; adding materialism and technology is the downfall to the delighted. Materialistic items like the newest Michael Kors watch or the latest fashion trend can be exciting to buy or look at. These items can temporarily fill the void that some people might have. It might be fleetingRead MoreObesity : Causes And Effects2476 Words  | 10 Pagesfood in schools, or even genetics. However, individuals must take personal responsibility for their health. Obesity’s roots can be seen from the start of life, or even pre-birth, and it is up to adults to help teach children how to live a healthy lifestyle. Some may just blame it on genetics, but parents that allow and promote kids to consume unhealthy food are greatly responsible for allowing the disease to flourish. Also, not including any physical activity in their children’s daily life contributesRead MoreThe Effects Of Obesity On The American Population933 Words  | 4 Pagesthem to eat healthy is actually where the problem starts. School cafeterias have been known to serve food with large fat content and low nutrition. School cafeterias even supply students with soda and candy machines (Kempster, 2004). According to a study done by King et al. (1999) has shown that fruits and raw vegetables given in school cafeterias has decreased substantially. Instead they provide unhealthy meals for these children like, pizza, tater tots, and many other numerous high level fat foo dsRead MoreAddiction to Video Games Essay1605 Words  | 7 Pagesto why people first become attracted to these games. Stress is the main reason why people start playing video games in the first place. College students and working-class people are the most prone to stress due to the nature of their lifestyle. College students are always under stress because there is always too much work to do and not enough time to do it. This can become very stressful, and people make irrational decisions while under great amounts of stress. This is
New Skin, Please free essay sample
Growing up in Orange County, I was always surrounded by the same type of people: white. Being of Mexican-American and Guatemalan descent, I was constantly aware of my difference in ethnicity from others around me, even when others overlooked it. When I was younger, ignorance guarded me from stereotypes and allowed me to have a blithe and carefree attitude toward anything I couldn’t have power over. However, as I grew up I exceedingly became aware of the prejudices often associated with being of Hispanic descent. In fifth grade, nearly every one of the kids in my class was white, and I began to notice. They didn’t acknowledge our difference in color, but I did; I allowed my insecurities to make me feel inferior to my peers. Though no one has ever directly commented on the color of my skin or on my ethnic lineage in a negative manner; I became conscious of the labels that could potentially be put on me and I continued losing confidence in myself as a being. We will write a custom essay sample on New Skin, Please or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It now seems a silly thing to be worried over, especially knowing that I was friends with everyone in my small private school elementary class- yet it still saddens me to know that this misinterpretation of myself was a reality in my life as a child. I also felt that if people did not know me, they might think I did not try hard in school because Latin Americans are not generally distinguished as academically notable. I hated the barrier of feeling one step lower than everyone else because of something I could not control. Finally in eighth grade and throughout high school I came to realize that I was influenced by these stereotypes because I put them on myself, not because anyone else ever put them on me. Though they at first made me feel unconfident and un-assured in myself, I later changed my perspective and wanted to show everyone that I am not a group listing who is in a set of identical persons, I am not hindered by the fact that I am different. Knowing that I am Hispanic now encourages me to do even better in school; since I don’t want a stereotype labeling Latinos as uneducated, then the best way to disarm that label is to break it down with my own accomplishments. Being diverse could have crippled me if I would have kept the same attitude I had as a child, however through my personal growth, I used it as a reason to succeed and mature. I have learned to see diversity as a good thing; a way to bring fresh and new perspective to the table. Since my diversity in ethnicity has allowed me to be motivated to do better as a student and an athlete. I have since middle school made it a goal to show that diversity is a good thing and rather than use it as an excuse to disintegrate, I will use it as a drive to improve.
Fingerprint Scanners Concern Privacy Watchdog - Case Study
Question: Discuss about the Fingerprint Scanners Concern Privacy Watchdog. Answer: Introduction Ethics is defined as the fundamental principles and the basic concept of the decent human contact (Tannsjo, 2013). This also includes the study of universal values like natural and human rights, essential equality of all women and men, obedience to land law, concern for safety and health and for natural environment. Therefore, it can be said that ethics is an essential factor in every aspect of life including leadership, business, employee ethics and many more. However, every incident can be explained by implementing the different types of classical ethical theories. There are mainly three types of ethical theories that are generally implemented to explain or analyze a particular incident. These are Consequentialist Theories, Deontological Theories and Virtue Theories. In this essay, a particular article named Fingerprint Scanners Concern Privacy Watchdog has been discussed and analyzed from the perspective of two alternative classical ethical theories for better understanding of t he theories of the ethics. Analysis of Ethical Theories The article Fingerprint Scanners Concern Privacy Watchdog has been taken from the site. This article is about the increased use of the fingerprint scanning technology in both the clubs and pubs that might potentially breach the privacy of the customers of the clubs and pubs and might also pose major risks regarding security. This issue or problem statement can be explained or analyzed through implementation of various classical ethical theories (Singer, 2011). The particular problem statement can be analyzed as per the concept of the theories - Consequentialist Theories and Deontological Theories. The reason behind this is that both these theories of ethics are contradictory to each other and it can also be said that Deontological Theory is the most important alternative theory to Consequentialist Theories. The Consequentialist Theories are mainly based on two principles, these are firstly, an act is whether right or wrong it depends on the result of the act. And secondl y, the better consequences an act produces, more right that particular act is. The particular theory provides guidance during the period of moral dilemma. This guides an individual to select that particular action, which maximizes the good consequences and the Consequentialist Theories also provide general guidance as per which an individual should live. As per the Consequentialist Theories, people should live in order to increase the good consequences (MacCannell, 2011). The Consequentialist Theories are also mainly composed of two states depending on the different types of consequentialism that differs based on the item on which the goodness of a thing should be exploited (Meylan, 2013). These states of Consequentialist Theories are utilitarianism and hedonism. Just consequentialism is a system that is applied for development of ethics that combines the both consequentialism and core values. In the mentioned article, the ethics can be explained through the Consequentialist Theorie s. As per the article, fourteen major venues within the country Australia involving the Amplifier nightclub in Perth and the Coogee Bay Hotel in Sydney started using biometric technology system in order to control the violence related to the alcohol (, 2016). This system of biometric technology is supplied by NightKey to the major venues for the well fare of the common people and also to protect the common people from alcohol related violence. The other systems like to record the fingerprint, photo and some types of identity card like driver license are also been implemented within some of the major venues in order to create a computer profile for every individual who enters the venue (Hawthorne, 2014). The main aims of implementing these systems by the management of the major venues are to provide safety and protection to the common people, to reduce or to avoid or to control any alcohol related violence within the venue. It can also be said that if a patron is ejected o r banned from the venue then his profile is ensign and therefore he cannot gain re-entry in the particular venue in future (Haukur Ingi Jo nasson. Ingason, 2013). As these steps and systems have been implemented for the betterment and well fare of the people, this can be said that Consequentialist Theories of ethics can explain and analyze the particular problem statement and that is for the aim of protecting and avoiding the alcohol related violence, the management of the major venues takes all the personal details of the people that is not supported by most of the customers. On the other hand, the Deontological Theories are the normative ethical position, which judges the morality of a particular action on the basis of the adherence of the action to the rule of rules (Baggini, 2012). The Deontological Theories maintain the statements about which one cannot explain the term of statements regarding the badness and goodness of the consequences. Thus, from the perspective of the D eontological Theories this particular article can be explained and analyzed. It can be explained in this way if any criminal enters the major venue or any police case takes place then for investigation the management department of the venues can provide the entire data, photo, ID proof and fingerprint of the visitors to the police department for proper investigation (Anderson, 2011). Therefore, it can be said that the Deontological Theories are also applicable in this particular article as for the safety and well fare of all the common people or visitors of the pub or nightclub, the management is making the system riskier for the criminals. Thus, the particular concept of Deontological is implemented here as for the betterment of most of the visitors and people, the process is taking steps to catch the criminal. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that every action or incident can be explained or analyzed based on the various theories of ethics. Thus, the particular article Fingerprint Scanners Concern Privacy Watchdog can also be explained though both the Consequentialist Theories and Deontological Theories. From the perspective of the Consequentialist Theories, it can be said that the systems implemented by the management of the major venue is for the welfare of every individual who are visiting to the pubs. On the other hand, from the perspective of the Deontological Theories, the management of major venues implemented the new systems of photo, ID and fingerprint in order to identify any criminal who enters the venue. References Anderson, R. (2011).Ethics. London: Hodder Education. Baggini, J. (2012).Ethics. London: Quercus. Haukur Ingi Jo nasson., Ingason, H. (2013).Project ethics. Farnham, Surrey, England: Gower. Hawthorne, J. (2014).Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley. MacCannell, D. (2011).The ethics of sightseeing. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press. Meylan, A. (2013).Foundations of an ethics of belief. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. (2016) Retrieved 27 May 2016, from Singer, P. (2011).Practical ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. Tannsjo, T. (2013).Understanding ethics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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