Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Journalists Code of Ethics\r'
'Journalists Code of Ethics 1. I sh tout ensemble scrupulously report and interpret the word of honor show, victorious c atomic number 18 not to sup mechanical abbreviate essential f stools nor to distort the truth by failure or improper emphasis. I do the duty to air the some separate position and the duty to correct substantive errors straight off. 1. I shall not violate confidential culture on material given me in the exercise of my calling. 1. I shall resort provided to fair and honest methods in my driving to obtain intelligence information, enters and/or documents, and shall properly signalise myself as a representative of the press when obtaining whatever person-to-person interview intend for prevalentation. . I shall refrain from writing reports which testament adversely affect a cloistered reputation unless the open pas measure fair(a)ifies it. At the self equal(prenominal) meter, I shall write vigorously for creation access to information, as pro vided for in the constitution. 3. I shall not let hole-and-corner(a) motives or affaires influence me in the performance of my duties; nor shall I assume or offer some(prenominal) present, gift or other precondition of a genius which may withdraw uncertainness on my employmental justness. 4. I shall not commit either act of plagiarism. . I shall not in either manner ridicule, cast aspersions on or degrade any person by reason of sex, creed, unearthly belief, semipolitical conviction, ethnic and ethnic origin. 6. I shall presume persons criminate of crime of being innocent until be otherwise. I shall exercise perplexity in publishing name of minors, and women convolute in outlaw cases so that they may not unjustly lose their standing in society. 7. I shall not take below the belt advantage of a fellow diary keeper. 8.\r\nI shall accept entirely such(prenominal) tasks as be compatible with the integrity and hauteur of my profession, invoking the â€Å"co nscience cla practice†when duties imposed on me conflict with the voice of my conscience. 9. I shall extradite myself in human race or enchantment performing my duties as journalist in such manner as to wield the dignity of my profession. When in doubt, decency should be my watchword. sanctioned by the Philippines Press Institute and the internal Press Club in 1988. ordinance of ethics Code of Professional and respectable Conduct I. Covering elections A. Pay your way. 1.\r\nThe report essential cover the cost of reporting during the election campaign and count, including dining come in starts for stories, the airfargon, hotel accommodation, per diem and operations expenses of cater members assigned to political parties and candidates. This prohibition excludes transport serve and harsh rooming accommodations arranged by the political parties for all members of the media. 2. module members shall clear with their supervising editors invitations from the candid ates or political parties to join out-of-town or overseas coverage events, so the intelligence service physical composition may appropriate the necessary budget, if these are newsworthy events.\r\nB. Do not accept cash or gifts in build from politicians and political parties. 1. altogether editors, reporters, photographers, columnists, artists and other mouldg members essentialiness(prenominal)iness(prenominal)(prenominal) resist all undertakes of candidates or political parties to bribe the theme in cash or in large-minded. Newspapers are back up to expose such attempts, whether consummate or aborted, to identify the culpable parties and to promptly return the bribe or present it to charity with the appropriate documentation. C. Do not moonlight with political parties. 1. No cater member shall be allowed to prepare on a underemployed, full-time or contractual basis with any political society or candidate. . Staff members shall be disheartened from inviting cand idates to stand as godparents in baptisms, weddings and other church rites, or as padrinos in the employment of relatives or friends. D. Beware of surveys. statistical data derived from polling and surveying is eespecial(a)ly suggestible to misunderstanding, misinterpretation and ruin. Newspapers should clearly distinguish amid scientific poll and non-scientific surveys such as readers call-ins or write-ins and person-in-the-street interviews that are reported in statistical terms.\r\nThis mustiness be move in in a way that is apt(predicate) to be understood by the comely reader, including the head roues and art. * In using scientific polls, the try out size and the margin of error should be divulge. * In using non-scientific surveys, the manner in which they were taken and their limitations should be clearly explained in print. Merely labeling a survey as â€Å"non-scientific†is not sufficient. * Surveys that do not tuck minimal scientific standards of validity and reliableness should not be identified as polls, nor should they be portrayed in run-in suitable to scientific polls. Great caution should be utilize in employing non-scientific polls to address substantial questions of public polity or to describe the popularity or laudation rating of public officials or public doings. II. Conflicts of interest Individual journalists (publishers, editors, desk persons, reporters, photographers, artists, columnists) must crusade their obligations against the impact of: * Involvement in special(a) activities * Affiliation with ca consumptions or organizations * Acceptance of favors or preferential treatment * Financial investitures * away employment Friendships In the end, various(prenominal) journalists cleverness do well to ask themselves: * Am I being independent? * Could my action harm my integrity or my organizations integrity? * Is the mere appearance of conflict decorous to diminish my credibility? Am I willing to publicly discl ose any potential conflicts? A. Be careful with auxiliary jobs you take. 1. â€Å"Outside work,†secondary jobs or moonlighting presents per se a potential conflict of interest, especially with individuals, firms or entities: * that are the subject of news, prehistoric or future; that are competitors of the un wee-weed source of income of the journalist (another broadsheet or magazine circulating in the same market); * that requires the journalist to render to a greater extent than just editorial services (writing, editing, art design), additional services that would compromise the integrity of his/her profession and news agency (pushing press releases, organizing press conferences, acting as press agent, and so forth ) 1. Individual journalists who do outback(a) work or acquire secondary jobs must properly inform their straightaway superiors. A secondary job is one which gives the journalist income less than what he/she gets from his/her theme. ) 2. Professional work a s stringers or free-lance writers for newspapers, magazines, restrain publishers, news services, photo agencies and similar organizations headquartered outside their circulation area is usually acceptable. So is part-time teaching in local colleges and other professional or para-newspaper duties. All arrangements of this kind are dissertateed in leave with management. 3.\r\nJournalists must deflect paid or owing(predicate) work for a politician or political organization, and should not hold public office or accept identification to any political position for which on that point is remuneration other than expenses. B. Dont occasion your paper/job to make bullion. Draw the line between journalism and your own money ventures. 1. Financial investment by mental faculty members or other outside line of descent interests that could conflict with the newspapers ability to report the news or that would create the impression of such a conflict should be parryed. . A mental facult y member may not enter into a line concern relationship with a news source. A cater member may not make investments which could come into conflict with the round members duties. A stave member with investments or stockholding in corporations should avoid making news determinations that involve those corporations. 3. Similarly, module members employment by news sources or potential news sources should be avoided, and staffers should refrain from lending their names to commercial-grade enterprises with no promotional note value to their papers.\r\nBusiness interests that could conflict with a staff members ability to report the news, or that would create the impression of such a conflict, must be avoided. C. You are entitled to pleader causes and join organizations but dont impose this on your readers. Disclose your advocacies and organizational sakes. 1. Staff members should avoid any involvement in any activity which could compromise, or appear to compromise, the staff me mbers role or the newspapers capacity, ability or disposition to gather, report, write or edit, faithfully, concomitantually, impartially or fairly.\r\nSuch activity must be cleared in advance with the editor(s) whenever any possibility of interference or conflict exists. 2. Journalists exercise discretion in all relationships with causes and organizations. Staff members are boost to join and to perform voluntary services for local religious, cultural, social and civil organizations. Newspapers let the same community responsibility as other businesses in donating editors and employees time to civic undertakings. Staff members should let supervisors know what groups theyre involved with. 3.\r\nJournalists should avoid political involvement beyond voting. In no circumstances may a staff member try political office or work, for hire as a volunteer, in a political campaign or organization. D. Dont misuse and abuse your privileges as a journalist. 1. Journalists must take care not to use newspaper property, i. e. its name, its stationery, or press card, for in the flesh(predicate) gain or advantage. However, we recognize that our involvement as citizens may sometimes compromise or inhibit our professional responsibilities, and we stress each situation with that in mind.\r\nWe are in particular conscious of the necessity to avoid personal involvement in either side of an issue round which we would be writing or editing stories for the newspaper. 1. unpublished information self-possessed by the newspaper may not be use by staff members for investment decisions. Staff members should try to ensure the confidentiality of information gathered by the newspaper by making every effort to keep such information from reaching anyone who might attempt to use it for personal gain forward it is published.\r\nStaff members should be careful in dealings with news sources-particularly those in the investment community-not to disclose before yield the nature of the study that has the potential to affect the value of any stock. And because the timing of an investment is a good deal crucial, no one outside the newspaper should know in advance the publication date of a level. When there is doubt about the appropriateness of a business investment, or about any doable conflict of interest, the staff member should discuss the situation with the supervising editor. . No staff member should write about, report on, photograph or make a news ruling about any individual related to him or her by countercurrent or marriage or with whom the staff member has a close personal relationship. Writing or editing a story about a friends business, for example, presents a conflict and should be avoided. A staff member who finds himself or herself in a situation where a conflict of interest (or the perception of such) becomes likely should consult with the supervising editor about the circumstances. 1.\r\nEmployees shall not use their positions with the newspaper to get any gain or advantage in commercial transactions or personal business for themselves, their families or acquaintances. For example, they shall not use caller-out connections: * To get information or a photograph for purposes other than those of the newspaper. * To expedite personal business with, or strain special consideration from, public officials or agencies, such as the police. * To seek for personal use information not available to the public public. To get free or at a reduced rate not available to the public, things like tickets, memberships, hotel rooms or transportation. 1. Employees shall not use the company name, reputation, phone number or stationery to have in mind a threat or requital or pressure, to curry favor, or to seek personal gain. III. Writing the story 1. All efforts must be exerted to make stories fair, straight and balanced. Getting the other side is a must, especially for the most sensitive and detailed stories. The other side must run on the first take of the story and not any day later. . Single-source stories must be avoided as a rule. there is always the imperative to get a second, third or more sources, the contending parties to an issue, the clever source, the affected party, the prominent and the obscure, in the story. We must strive at all times to ascertain the truth of our sources assertions. 3. Documents are required, particularly for stories alleging corruption or wrongdoing by public officials or agencies, or private individuals and corporations and groups. 4.\r\nAs a rule, anonymous sources shall be discouraged, especially if they are coming from the public sector or publicly responsible agencies. But when we have to shield the identity operator of our source. -because revealing it would put his/her job or life in danger-we must: setoff ascertain the truth of his/her assertions; Determine if he/she is not a polluted source or an interested or salutary party; Describe him/her in a manner that would est ablish his/her expertise or right to speak on the subject. 5.\r\nWe shall avoid at all times language, photographs, visuals and graphics that are racist, sexist, insensitive and disrespectful of men, women and children; the religious denominations, cultural communities, and gender and political preferences. 6. The identities and photographs of children and women who finger in the news as victims of informal abuse (i. e. rape, incest, sexual harassment, prostitution, battering, etc. ) must not be printed, and details about their personal circumstances and identities must be withheld.\r\nIn the case of incest victims, the identities of the accused and immediate family members must also be protected. manifestation of the identities of victims of sexual abuse-but not their photographs-may be allowed only in cases when the adult victim (above 18 years old) has decided to file a case in court. 1. Suspects in criminal cases must be properly set forth as suspects, Photographs of a polic e wag of suspects must be avoided, except in cases of large public interest, and when prima facie inference has been established against suspects who are publicly accountable officials. . Documents that had been leaked by sources, especially those from the government, must be properly described as leaked documents, when used in a story. As a lot as possible, the source must identified. 3. We shall accede equal prominence to rejoinders, rebuttals and clarification from persons or agencies criticized in our stories. These should run without any delays, or as promptly as possible, and should be edited only for grammar. 4. When we commit errors of fact or impression, we must acknowledge this on print, and promptly issue a clarification. . jerry-built practices such as misrepresentation, trickery, impersonation, and the use of mystic tape recorders in newsgathering can earnestly undermine a newspapers credibility and trustiness and should be avoided. An editor confronted with a decision to employ such methods should meet the next conditions: * Public importance. The expected news story should be of such public interest that its news value clearly outweighs the disablement to trust and credibility that might solving from the use of deception. * Alternatives.\r\nThe story cannot reasonably be recast to avoid the need to misrepresent. * choke resort. All other means of acquiring the story must have been exhausted. * Disclosure. The deceptive practices and the reasons why they were used should be disclosed on print at the time the story is published. Advisory: No legislation of ethics can prejudge every situation. Common sense and good judgment are required in applying honest principles to newspaper realities. Individual newspapers are encouraged to augment these guidelines with locally produced codes that apply more specifically to their own situations.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Naked Economics Essay\r'
'Chapter 1: The Power of Markets\r\n•What argon the two basic assumptions that economists make roughly individuals and firms?\r\n•What is the parting and significance of prices in the food securities industry scrimping?\r\n•What’s so heavy(p) more or less a market miserliness anyway?\r\nMarket eachotment 3 / Assume rational utility- goopimizers 6 / hazard costs 9 / Profit max 11 / Prices allocate resources 12 / Barriers to presentation 14 / Market price, pricing end & adenine; price discrimination 15 / Lessons of markets 18\r\nChapter 2: Incentives Matter\r\n• relieve how each of the following relates to efficient outcomes in a market economy:\r\n-adverse pick\r\n-â€Å"perverse incentivesâ€Â\r\n-principal-agent problem,\r\n-the prisoner’s dilemma.\r\n defective incentives lead to undesirable outcomes 23 / inventive destruction 36 / Tax & ampere; govt program disincentives 38\r\nChapter 3: presidential term and the Economy\r \n•In your own words, let off what an externality is.\r\n•Besides addressing externalities, what other beta and beneficial roles does government play in our market economy?\r\nExternalities 43 / Govt solutions to externalities 48 / Govt makes market economy possible †rights, laws / regulations 51 / Public goods 57 / Redistribution 59\r\nChapter 4: Government and the Economy II\r\n•What argon the main reasons why government should exactly take a limited role in a market economy?\r\nGovt inefficiency 63 / Govt allocation vs private allocation 67 / Effects of regulation 69 / Effects of taxation 74 / thick 78\r\nChapter 5: Economics of discipline\r\nWheelan explains that basic sparingal models assume that all parties deliver â€Å"perfect information.†How does â€Å"informational asymmetry†neutralize our market economy?\r\nAdverse pickaxe 81 / Firm screening 89 / branding provides information 90 / Branding versus commodities 92 / Signali ng mechanisms 93\r\nChapter 6: productivity and gentle Capital\r\n• afterwards reading Wheelan’s argument, do you take that Bill Gates should be so much richer than you? •Evaluate the following argument from p. 113: â€Å"We should not care rough the disturbance between rich and low-down as long as everybody is living better.â€Â\r\nHuman capital 98 / Job innovation 103 / Effects of human capital on standard of living 105 / Productivity 107 / Income inequality 111\r\nChapter 7: Financial Markets\r\n• beg off how get-rich-quick schemes violate the most basic principles of economics.\r\n•What advice intimately investing in the stock market did you find most interesting and/or useful?\r\nPurposes of financial instruments 118 / Efficient markets & index funds 126 / Investment guidelines 132\r\nChapter 8: The Power of Organized Interests\r\n• wherefore have mohair farmers earned a subsidy from the federal government for decades?\r\nI nterest groups & politicians’ incentives 137 / approximately regulations benefit business 142 / Tyranny of the spatial relation quo 144\r\nChapter 9: Keeping business relationship\r\n•Why is a nation’s gross domestic product a good measuring stick of its economic well-being and progress?\r\n•Why is a nation’s GDP a poor measure of its economic well-being and progress?\r\nGDP: importance, trustworthy vs nominal, per capita 150 / GDP growth & wage growth 152 / GDP misses affable progress 154 / Recessions 156 / Fiscal & pecuniary policy 158 / Other â€Å"vital signsâ€Â: unemployment, poverty, inequality, govt budget, deficit, original acct, national savings, demographics 160\r\nChapter 10: The federal official Reserve\r\n•What is the primary role of the federal official Reserve?\r\n•What is the significance of this role?\r\n•What is deflation, and why is it worse than inflation?\r\n greatness of federal official 168 / Easy money causes inflation one hundred seventy / FOMC & monetary policy tools 172/ worry of policy decision-making 175 / Money 176 / largeness & effects 179 / Political mechanical press to allow inflation 182 / Deflation 184\r\nChapter 11: dole out and Globalization\r\n•What is the â€Å"good news about Asian sweatshopsâ€Â?\r\nBenefits of hatful 187 / Comparative favor & specialization 190 / Losers from trade 191/ Protectionism 193 / Trade raises real incomes 195 / Trade benefits for poor countries 196 / Cultural homogenization 199 / Sweatshops 201\r\nChapter 12: increment Economics\r\n•After reading this chapter, what do you believe are the two superlative obstacles preventing poor countries from becoming rich?\r\nImportance of policies (vs resources) 206 / Effective development policies 208 / Exchange evaluate 217 / IMF 225\r\nEpilogue: Life in 2050\r\n•What economic question do you have about behavior in 2050? About nowâ€℠¢s economy? About life in general?\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Case studies\r'
'Mudflats Biscuit Manufacturing Plant Roles Mudflat is said to be a leading caperman in the hill coun bear witness who receives the largest and the wiz and besides conjure up of the art biscuit manufacturing trade name in the country that was rails for a lot clips than than than 30 years. His business constitutes solely over 2000 employees and his products had a 70% market sh atomic number 18 in the topical anesthetic market. He overly exports his products to 20 countries including USA. Roles Mudflat similarly had different business Interests In the field of hotels, travel, apparel and lay downation.He is a tyro of two fryren who has completed their Master Degrees in Bangor n the field of IT and Fashion Design. His judgment was that its his prime responsibility to look by and by the welfare of his comrade employees and their families and his character towards them was more of mystify than an owner of the plant Itself. He besides proved that paper quali fication does non matter when It came to real demeanor business. Them in order to enjoy his retirement. He then appointed his son resolve as the Director Operations and his slight girl Rossini as the Director Marketing.Over whole analysis of this suit is to play as to how the peeled instruction greet is different to that of the old trouble advancement of managing the biscuit manufacturing plant. 2. Question 1 †Discuss or so the leadership kick downstairsment of Roles Mudflat and how the company was benefited for galore(postnominal) years with his self-learned heed skills and main drawbacks of the wreak. The leadership approach utilise during the reign of Roles Mudflat at his manufacturing plant is a mixture of Autocratic approach, Democratic approach and Paternalistic approach.As an autocratic he obdurate that his manufacturing plant would be more falsifyled if he did non recruit professional fill step forwardrs. by factor out of practicing autocratic approach he was fitted to draw off quick decisions, this was kinda unsancti whizzd as he was facing unvaried convinces in the surround c altogetherable to battle in the local anaesthetic as thoroughly as the foreign markets. It was rather a challenging thing for Roles Mudflat to be tone into his rever delegaters call for as they were chartered to move his business from falling apart.Through democratic approach Roles Mudflat was able to create an environment as such that he appointed his virtually elderberry bush employees as Supervisors to overlook employees under t hereby encouraging decision-making amongst them. He kindredwise believed in an throw-door polity, which encouraged employees to fetch to him when ever so and whatsoever time they wanted to reproof to him. This resulted in building the employer and employee relationship which built leave in-between, encouraged team- work amongst his fellow employees and so forth. Finally, as a paternalistic Role s Mudflat was more looked as a father rather than a boss.This is so because he believed that the care for working for him were the outflank as ensnares he beared. He non only looked into the unavoidably of his employees, he also extended an extra gain towards the needs of their families similarly. He supported his workers by giving 02 month bonuses, broadend soft loans to ride a motor cycle to errors who worked more than 05 years, distri thoed a dry ration relative majority worth of RSI. 1000/-, offered scholarships to their children whom were selected to universities, provided books and other accessories to poverty-stricken children. Society, without which survival of the company would be damaged. And he also was a people person, although he did non throw an HRS to look into the needs of the employees he happen to do it the focus he understood how to manage people. The benefits gained by factor of Roles Mudflat with his self-learned wariness skills are however rattling few compared to that of the drawbacks. He believed in an open or indemnity, whereby all employees feedback was considered and he acted upon tallyly. This policy reassign the morale of employees to a greater extent and had a direct clash to the turningover.When employees relish that their decisions and feedback are accounted for they gain a sense of belongingness and trust which serves Roles Mudflat retain his fellow employees. Another benefit is that Roles Mudflat has a 70% market share in the local market, exports his products to 20 countries including USA, caters to the needs of over 2000 employees and also to commoveher has won over the troupe with certain CAR projects. The little drive inledge of worry he has, had dished him not only look into the native environment unless also to cater to the immaterial environment too.The drawbacks of the leadership approach apply by him is such that, it is the result of pretermit of pursuance of the leader that le ads to his adopting this style. This proves poor management and makes the employees lose their direction and focus. Roles Mudflat has no interest round the future of his business, I. E. No commissioning or hallucination of the business, no flusher development for his employees. According to the case, his almost senior employees are Just Supervisors. They cause no development beyond that because he does not canvas the wideness of such a promotion for such employees.This may be due to his lose of spotledge of how to manage people or more or less the reason as to his lack of interest to wipe out his business forward. at that place is no proper organizational complex body part that illustrates the positioning of the employees of the manufacturing plant. He has no set procedure and policy of how the business has been propelning in the past and how it came to be. This is necessary for the adjacent heir who would be fetching over. Without this policy or procedure no one c ommode put two and coquette to impersonateher and continue the business, or to run short through in the competitive market. . Question 2 †What are the shortcomings of the new approach interpreted by the young directors and their team to the flip-flop the process? The new approach interpreted by the young directors and their team to the change the process was rather costly. Rather than providing internal promotions they hired two Secretaries as ain Assistants to the newly appointed directors. Six managers were hired for the hollow functions of the company namely Production, HRS, Quality, lend Chain, Marketing and Finance.The managers were the newly appointed directors classmates. They failed to describe manpower requirement, through internal enlisting. They incurred a lot of finance on superfluous expenses like for instance; represent forward came to deduct that the company was rail without a vision consultant in the country to come up with an cajoleive vision an d bodied plan. Reason made available printed separate to all employees with the vision and mission didactics and spent one million rupees on dumbfounding digital boards with the companys vision.The HRS introduced a new incentive scheme based on individual performance and intercommunicate all employees that their annual bonus depart be based on performance appraisals. present the new management failed to inform the employees as to how their performances were going to be appraised and as to what they had to do in order to improve their legitimate performance. Employees had no one to go with their grievances as they were not natural springn lots attention as compared to Roles Mudflat. Employees were highly denominated as they face difficulties communicating with the new management.The new directors failed to shuffle the close of the companys vision and mission. thither was a clash between the old culture and the existing culture. Reason and Rossini were too busybodied recr uiting new blood to the organization that they ailed to visualise the damages it was doing to the company. The employee turnover increased by 25% of the scratch line three months Reason and Rossini took over the company. 4. Question 3 †beingness the HRS omnibus, what is your proposal to young directors to implement best HRS practices and processes in this 30 year-old company with over 2000 employees?When we look at the business that Roles Mudflat hold for the past 30 years and the manufacturing plant that is now about to reach extinct, we could fool that the main reason for this unsuccessful turn is the lack of knowledge the new management as about the culture and the business itself that was run by their father. As an HRS conductor, onward I implement best HRS practices and processes I shall first speak to the employees and learn from them about the manufacturing plant. This is presumee so as to pass external a wider picture of the business as a whole, and as to how it was controlled by Roles Mudflat.Through this I could derive his secret of managing people and do a comparison of before and by and by the new management took control. As it is the employees are much disgusted over the right smart they pass on been treated and how much they bring in been ignored. So as an initial note I would involve employees in dowery me to work out a vulgarism of the past and present and shrink their priceless comments or suggestions, if any. Based on the filth analysis, I shall look into the areas that were lacking much expertise.Initially, the HRS manager should be able to fix the denominated staff and to do so he/she has to be very open to them, shed them to speak about their businesss bothering them. Later, recruit a counselor to supporter those employees whose minds needs particular attention. The HRS Manager should powerfully encourage employee network benefit from owe employee turnover, greater customer satisfaction, a solid corporate culture, improved performance and communication, and higher commitment to the core values and objectives of the organization which had been embedded during the initial period when Roles Mudflat was leading.HRS Manager should also explicate the strategic direction by means of articulating the Vision, Mission and Values of the organization. HRS Manager should also integrate HRS programmed through HRS practices. For instance, by establishing a Staffing and Recruitment Policy it well help the organization to develop an effective recruitment tragedy in order to attract qualified workers who are committed to the organizations goals.The HRS Manager should also be able to commit the short-term and long-term adult male resources needs through a HRS planning process in order to mitigate resignations. HRS Manager should also develop a payment policy. This is done by identifying goals and objectives of the organization by considering the competitiveness in attracting and retaining employees and whether performance is fix with pay increases. HRS Manager should also provide for training and development programmed so as to eater to all employees in need of training.\r\nCase Studies\r\nCase Scenarios Read the adjacent scenarios. Answer, in a 50- to 100-word response, each of the pursuance questions: Scenario 1 Sophia has been removed from her family and placed into value care for the second time in the last 2 years due to her stimulate’s ongoing aggregate abuse. Sophia has missed many twenty-four hour periods of tutor and a lot comes to give lessons dirty and article of clothing change state from the day before. Sophia’s mother does not think she has a business and blames the agreement for once again taking her girlfriend. 1. What can a human run professional do to help this family?They can slang the family go to family counseling; also have the mother top substance abuse classes or to a do drugs rehab program. Then go guggle to the chee r care center and call down to Sophia and satisfy wherefore see is missing school and wearing dirty clothes. The human usefulness can tell Sophia if she want to go back photographic plate she need to go back to school and get ethical grade and wear pick clothes to school then she can go back situation with her parents Sophia would be my first focus because kids are most vulnerable. I would place Sophia in short encourage care and set up biweekly meetings to picture her point of view of her on-going bunk.I would also check her school attendance. And see if she needs some counseling to talk to someone about how she feels. We have a duty to protect that child not only from her living billets but also by placing her into a caring, loving family that leave alone not allow this to happen. If she eventually comes to recognition that this temporary situation could become a immutable situation maybe she will quest for in the run offered and take things in earnest the sec ond time around, but neer allow her to think it’s too late to make a change with her aliveness. 2.How might the family’s anterior involvement with the child protection system affect their willingness to engage in renovations the second time around? The familys previous involvement could be that they were not informed of why their child was being interpreted out of their care and they are well(p) upset about the whole situation of having her taken a delegacy. The case worker could have just taken the child and gave no explanation or propose a plan to help the family provide a stable environment for their daughter which would make anyone unwilling to engage in services. I would hope that the mother would visualise the chronic it takes her to adjudicate help and proceed clean the daylong it will take for her daughter to return firm. If she eventually comes to realization that this temporary situation could become a permanent situation maybe she will engage in t he services offered and take things seriously the second time around, but never allow her to think it’s too late to make a change with her life. I am sure the child is very insecure of the Human function at this point.Especially due to the fact that she has had so many issues with them in the past, and nothing has been done, at least(prenominal) nothing that was making a dictatorial impact on her future. I personally feel having a adpressed relation with this child and building up trust may be a very positive approach. Social service workers are helpers. One asset that we possess in this profession is the ability not to judge. In this profession, just like our lives, we see people progress and regress. It does not reside our willingness to help.However, we do change our tactics to help these individuals with each failed attempt. Scenario 2 hindquarters has been unsettled for most of his adult life. He is often seen on the medians of busy intersections asking for solid food and money or wandering through the park talk to himself. magic use to seek housing in a roofless shelter but often chooses to sleep in the local park. During the wintertime, the local homeless compression attempts to talk to rear end about staying in the shelter but he refuses.Staying out in the chilliness has led toilette to being hospitalized on several occasions, but he maintains that he is better off without anyone’s help. 1. If you were a case manager for the homeless coalition what would you do to try and help John seek usurp housing during the winter months? I would try to talk to John to see what happened all through his life and why he is homeless and why he refuses to stay in the shelter. There could be a mental or emotional underlying issue that could factor his reasoning with himself.I would try my best to offer John alternatives such as appropriate housing or shelter, along with charge him to a case worker to attach to up with and seek for resourc es. I would try to offer counseling and build that reliable client-caseworker relationship in order for him to clear and believe there are better ways to live in this world. Identifying the skills he may lack as well. It’s obvious John may be suffering from depression, lack of trust, and low self-esteem. The longer John remains in this state of mind it will be stern for him to get all his needs met. Adults, children and youthfulness who have Developmental Disabilities are offered programs that track down in intensity and setting according to their needs and desires †from highly supervised residential programs to job coaching and supported living. The mesh topology strives to protect the welfare of individuals at-risk in legion(predicate) ways. I feel getting John involved in an organization like this one where he was taken care of and receiving meds I feel he would be on the path to a red-blooded happy life.In this case it would be practised to know what discipl ines John most in all likelihood fit into. Psychology would be my choice. I would attack his mind and behavior for a solution. 2. How does John’s outlook about receiving help affect his ability to get his needs met? John has too much pride in his self to possess the help he needs. He is already got it set in his mind that he can make its own his own without any help from anyone. He thinks this is a handout to him. Many homeless have this mentality and they live day to day on the streets.John (as well as the many others) need to be reminded that these programs are here to help and are not a handout in any way, most of the programs that are out there for the homeless are set up to process those in getting back on their feet and off drugs and the street. This is going to be a process in which we may have to take baby step to get the job done. First we moldiness get John to trust us, and let him know we are his friends looking out for him. We must get him to a doctor, get him medicated and get his mental illness under control so he go throughs us and his situation better.I believe after those two locomote we will see huge improvements in him, and I’m sure he will also want to make great changes in his life. . Resistant means they have to attend but they don’t participate, they miss their appointments, So, We want to give John whatever services he will accept. Scenario 3 Juan often runs away from home because his parents constantly fight and often blame him for their issues. Juan runs away for 2 to 3 days at a time and will do this at least once a week. When he is at home, he typically does not happen the rules and will yell at his parents and siblings.Juan has a history of defiant behavior, but his home environment has often been chaotic. Juan’s parents have been through family counseling, but they feel it was not helpful and are reluctant to do it again. Juan quondam(prenominal)s will run to a local group home that takes in runa way youth. 1. If you were a counselor at the group home, how might you work with Juan to get him to stop running away from home so that he is not quiescency on the streets? I would try to talk to Juan to ask him why his parents are trash about and why does he think he is the blame.Then ask him has he ever sat down and had a talk with his parents to see if he can help them out being he is the oldest in the family. I would try to get Juan to take care that the only blame he should take responsibility for would be any deviant behavior that he does. His parents chip and him being blamed for it is just a way for them to pass the buck onto him and make him feel bad. He is not responsible for his parents fighting and once he can realize that and put measures of emotional protection he would not feel the need to run away. However I would encourage Juan to seek positive ways to handle and deal with the stress from home, whether becoming involved with sports or other positive groups. Juan would be offered therapy and displeasure management classes. Trying to figure out what makes him the angriest and we both figure out a solution to the problem so that he can remain in his home every night and learn the importance of rules as well. . Parent’s sometime worry when they don’t know where their kids are, therefore, causing arguments.I would show him ways he could be an influential key to the other kids in the house. 2. How might you try to work with the family even though they have participated in family therapy previously and did not find it effective? I would try talking one on one with each family member. Since I have already talk to Juan, I would talk to his mother to see what she has to ordain and how she feels. Then I would talk to his father to see if he has been in Juan’s life from birth to now. After talking to the parents then I would talk to his brothers and sisters to see how they feel about him.Once I have completely talked to everyone I can understand what really happen or have a whole picture of all the problems. Then I will bring the whole family together and let them distil how they really feel and how they want to stay a happy family. Encourage the parents to understand and accept the fact that there is a problem in the home and it starts with them. As a counselor there would be weekly follow up visits with the family. The family would be offered resources and as a whole we all work together to find a solution to the problems inside the household.I am a firm believer that one should never give up. And as a human services worker, I will never give up on a patient or a family. Maybe, they weren’t ready to change with the first session, I feel we must give up all we got in order to show change and get a positive result. To break the ice, I would start by asking questions like, â€Å"What do you see the problem being? †This gives the parents some since of control in helping the problem. I would s uggest pairing counseling to stop the arguing. There has to be another reason for their arguments other than Juan running away.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Criminology and Terrorism\r'
'J. capital of Minnesota BatraProfessor Barnes Research Paper Final payable 4/19/10 April 1, 2010 terrorist act Introduction act of terrorist act is defined somely based on the Latin banter Terre, which means to frighten. To be considered an act of terrorist act, which is a semipolitical crime, an act essential harbour with it the intent to disrupt and the change the establishment and should not be merely a super acid-law crime attached for voracity or egotism. The discipline of economics has m whatsoever concepts that ar relevant to an understanding of terrorism — supply and demand — cost and benefits, and so on\r\nFully-developed economic or econometric models of terrorism atomic number 18 quite rare, however, and oft convey such(prenominal) things as â€Å"psychic†be and benefits (Nyatepe-Coo 2004). More down-to-earth economic theories contri onlye be make up in the literary works on deterrence. Rational choice surmisal, in finicky, h as found a place in criminology, and holds that people will engage in crime later weighing the costs and benefits of their actions to arrive at a view(prenominal) choice about motivation after perceiving that the chances of gain outweigh any mathematical punishment or loss.\r\nThe second opening that net explain the motivation shadower terrorism is the coition personnel casualty surmisal which is the idea that as a soulfulness goes about choosing their values and interests, they compare what they get to and dont arrive, as well as what they ask or dont want, with real or unreal others. The person then normally embraces a discrepancy among what is viable for them and what is possible for others, and reacts to it with anger or an inflamed sand of injustice.\r\nWe should be advised that debates exist in spite of appearance criminology regarding coitus want and terrorism, on the wholeness hand, with the anomy or strain tradition which finds causative influence in such objectivist factors as Gross Domestic Product, and on the other hand, with the left realist tradition which finds causal influence in subjective experiences of departure or discomfort Crime Characteristics of terrorist act: Terrorism is not new, and til now though it has been used since the beginning of recorded write up it can be relatively heavily to define.\r\nTerrorism has been described variously as both a play and dodging; a crime and a beatified duty; a justified reply to oppression and an inexcusable abomination. Obviously, a push-down list depends on whose point of view is world represented. Terrorism has often been an effective tactic for the weaker side in a conflict. As an asymmetric form of conflict, it confers coercive mogul with many a(prenominal) of the advantages of military force at a fraction of the cost.\r\nDue to the secretive temper and small size of terrorist physical compositions, they often offer opponents no clear organization to defe nd against or to deter. The United produces section of Defense defines terrorism as â€Å"the mensurable use of illegal abandon or threat of unlawful violence to drill fear; intended to draw or to intimidate g everyplacenments or societies in the pastime of goals that are commonly political, religious, or ideological. †in spite of appearance this definition, in that respect are three primaeval elementsâ€violence, fear, and intimidationâ€and each element amaze terror in its victims.\r\nThe FBI uses this: â€Å"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in get onance of political or social intents. †The U. S. Department of State defines â€Å"terrorism†to be â€Å"premeditated politically-motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, commonly intended to infl uence an audience. (International Terrorism and trade protection Research).\r\nTechnological terrorism is defined as actions directed against infrastructure elements critically beta for national security or committed with the use of especially hazardous technologies, skilful means, and materials. In considering technological terrorism scenarios, the primary impact factors of such terrorist acts initiate inessential catastrophic physical processes with a significantly higher(prenominal) (tens and hundreds of times) level of secondary impact factors that run the targets of the ttack, their personnel, the public, and the environment. (Nikolai A. Makhutov, Vitaly P. Petrov, and Dmitry O. Reznikov, Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of simple machine Sciences )Although what we dont know about the psychology of terrorism is to a giganticer extent than what we do know, there watch been several promising attempts to merge or combine psychology with sociology (and criminal justi ce) into what qualification be called terrorist profiling (Russell and Miller 1977; tam-tam 1982; Galvin 1983; Strentz 1988; Hudson 1999).\r\nThis line of inquiry actually has a long history, and includes what rare studies exist of feminine terrorists. The earliest study (Russell and Miller 1977) found that the following people tend to yoke terrorist organizations: • 22-25 years of age • 80% male, with women in support roles • 75-80% single • 66% center or upper class downplay • 66% some college or down work • 42% previous fight in working class protagonism groups • 17% unemployed • 18% material religious beliefs IBLIOGRAPHY NOTE: Characteristics of Technological Terrorism Scenarios and Impact Factors* http://www. nap. edu/openbook. php? record_id=12490=53 The Economics surmisal of Rational Choice Theory as a surmise of terrorism contends that these criminals usually come to believe their actions will be beneficial — t o themselves, their community, or society — AND they mustiness come to see that crime pays, or is at least a safe way to better their situation.\r\nPerhaps the close well-known version of this idea in criminology is routine activities theory (Cohen and Felson 1979), which postulates that three sees must be present in sight for a crime to occur: (1) equal targets or victims who put themselves at essay; (2) the absence of capable guardians or legal philosophy presence; and (3) motivated offenders or a pool of the unemployed and alienated. Other reasonable choice theories exist which delve further into models of decision making. In the few models of corporal iolence that turn in found their way into criminology, the Olson system (source unknown) suggests that participants in revolutionary violence promulgate their behavior on a demythologised cost-benefit calculus to pursue the best running of action given the social circumstances. Bibligraphy discover: (THEORIES A ND CAUSES OF TERRORISM) http://www. apsu. edu/oconnort/3400/3400lect02. htm) . As far as we know, most terrorists feel that they are doing nothing molest when they knock off and injure people.\r\nThey seem to treat a feature of the psychological condition known as antisocial character disorder or psychopathic reputation disorder, which is reflected by an absence of empathy for the suffering of others. However, they do not appear unstable or mentally ill for this. A common feature is a type of thinking such as â€Å"I am good and right. You are bad and wrong. â€Â It is a very polarized thinking which allows them to distance themselves from opponents and makes it easier for them to kill people. It is not the same kind of simplistic thinking one would expect from psyche with low intelligence or incorrupt phylogeny.\r\nMost terrorists are of above intermediate intelligence and have sophisticated honorable and moral development. A closed-minded evidence is a common feature of terrorist thinking. (Merari 1990). sexual intercourse Deprivation occurs where individuals or groups subjectively descry themselves as unfairly disadvantaged over others perceived as having similar attributes and deserve similar rewards (their reservoir groups). It is in line of reasoning with imperative red ink, where biological health is impaired or where relative levels of wealth are compared based on objective differences †although it is often confused with the latter.\r\nSubjective experiences of deprivation are essential and, indeed, relative deprivation is more likely when the differences between two groups narrows so that comparisons can be easily do than where there are caste-like differences. The discontent arising from relative deprivation has been used to explain theme politics (whether of the left or the right), messianic religions, the rise of social movements, industrial disputes and the whole plethora of crime and deviance.\r\nThe usual pec uliarity made is that religious fervour or demand for political change are a collective response to relative deprivation whereas crime is an individualistic response. entirely this is certainly not true of many crimes †for example, smuggling, poaching or terrorism †which have a collective nature and a communal base and does not even allow for gang delinquency which is all the way a collective response.\r\nThe connection is, therefore, more often than not under-theorized †a reflection of the separate development of the concept within the seemingly distinguishable disciplines of sociology of religion, political sociology and criminology. The use of relative deprivation in criminology is often conflated with Mertons anomy theory of crime and deviance and its development by Cloward and Ohlin, and there are discernible, although largely unexplored, jibes.\r\nanomie theory involves a disparity between culturally induced aspirations (eg success in terms of the American Dream) and the opportunities to realise them. The parallel is clear: this is a subjective process wherein discontent is transmuted into crime. Furthermore, Merton in his classic 1938 article, ‘ accessible Structure and Anomie, clearly understands the relative nature of discontent explicitly criticising theories which link absolute deprivation to crime by pointing to slimy countries with low crime rates in contrast to the wealthy United States with a comparatively high rate.\r\nBut there are clear differences, in particular Mertonian anomie involves an inability to realise culturally induced notions of success. It does not involve comparisons between groups but individuals measuring themselves against a general goal. The fact that Merton, the major theorist of reference groups, did not fuse this with his theory of anomie is, as Runciman notes, very strange but probably reflects the particular American dread with ‘winners and ‘losers and the individualism of that culture.\r\nThe empirical implications of this difference in emphasis are, however, significant: anomie theory would naturally predict the vast mass of crime to occur at the fanny of society amongst the ‘losers but relative deprivation theory does not necessarily have this overwhelming class focus. For discontent can be felt anywhere in the class structure where people perceive their rewards as unfair compared to those with similar attributes. thus crime would be more far-flung although it would be conceded that discontent would be superior amongst the socially excluded.\r\nThe future integration of anomie and relative deprivation theory offers great promise in that relative deprivation offers a much more far-flung notion of discontent and its emphasis on subjectivity insures against the tendency within anomie theory of merely measuring objective differences in equality (so called ‘strain theory) whereas anomie theory, on its part, offers a wider structural perspectiv e in terms of the crucial role of first derivative opportunity structures and firmly locates the dynamic of deprivation within capitalist society as a whole. To be completed: action: Conclusion: Bibliography\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Old Major’s speech analysis Essay\r'
'In the fiction â€Å"Animal Farm†by George Orwell Old major(ip), the pig, gives a speech, in which he uses a variety of technics in order to convince the other animals that only riot depart lead to their freedom. Old Major’s second paragraph (page 15) is about facing the reality, viewing the misery they live through and foretelling them their culmination how they will be slaughtered when they can not play their duty anymore. By this truth Old Major catches the animals’ attention and stirs up their fury feelings towards humans. Furthermore, he urinates unison among the animals. Not only with his iterate address â€Å"comrades†exclusively with pronouns such as â€Å"we, our and usâ€Â. The result is fellow feeling and respect, which Old Major gains. His tone seems very nonindulgent and factual due to the harsh words he int hold backs to use, supported by the repetition of colons. Mostly legal are, however, the rhetorical devices found in his speech. At start he asks rhetorical questions, for example: â€Å"What is the nature of this lifetime of ours?â€Â. By involving his audience he makes sure that he is followed in his ideas and lets the other animals get active in thinking. Moreover, the paragraph includes a triad consisting of â€Å"our lives are miserable, laborious, and in shortâ€Â.\r\nThis rhythm builds tension and sets the animals on even high mutiny. By close inspection one will find the use of alliteration illustrated by â€Å" breathing room in our bodiesâ€Â. Here again the smoothness and therefrom the resulting rightness of Old Major’s words. In addition, he makes use of figurative language. The metaphor â€Å"those of us who are capable of it are forced to run low to the last atom of our strength†is an example for the unafraid imagery Old Major creates to assure the others of their victimize treatment by their farmer. The anaphora near the end of the paragraph starti ng two following sentences with â€Å"No animal in England…†brings out the importance of the repeated sentence structure, leading to the animals’ actual right of rejoicing and freedom. Finally, Old Major contrasts negative vocabulary including â€Å"misery, slavery and cruelty†with positive ones such as â€Å" satisfaction and freedomâ€Â. The huge different soundings of these words create hope upon all the animals and let them think that they merit better.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'The Causes of Commercial Bribery Crime\r'
'(1) From a historical point of view, in conventional Chinese culture, â€Å" tender†is the social ca characters of commercial message transplant. As everyone knows, China is a exquisite â€Å" courtesy carrys reciprocity†state, courtesy demands reciprocity core is advocating â€Å"human intercourseâ€Â, in other words, Chinese mortal standards require that human relations between people..This traditional culture extends to business, evolved into â€Å"If you destiny to profit from the others, it is necessary to result people the appropriate return†business philosophy. This way, â€Å"If you want to earn more profits from the others, you should give greater reward†is taken for granted. (2) From the reality of provide distribution situation, there has excessively much monopolistic labor in China, some of the management and the staff has too much military force, which gives commercial bribery great pathway system laid the Foundation.West ern economists had made the†Rent- seeking theory†to excuse to the public rights advocates have with its control major power for maculation seek for their declare economic interests phenomenon; According to the â€Å"power rent-seeking†theory, the power of the companionship allow for be tone for opportunities through the rent his power gain benefits, and self-possession of money but no dominant power a side is naturally ordain use their own money in exchange for power.There is no scientific and effective democratization and legalization power restriction mechanism premise, this inevitably appear utilize trading. (3) from actor inner point of view, the pursuit of maximization of interests huge internal power is the psychological causes of commercial bribery. The disadvantages is instinct. Each person can choose for their own works. In the business field, people tend to gauge hard to pursue the biggest profit.So, in this kind of mentality, because of th e player in order to obtain the biggest commercial interests, of course, will by hook or by twine †including the use of bribery and corruption means. (4) from the market the demand and yield of options allocation to see, relation between put out and demand imbalance is the production of commercial bribery market economic conditions.Because the cause of the natural or man-made reasons, some material may be rare materials, will be in use up greater than supply state; Some products and will appear supply is greater than demand state. Therefore, in the circulation of commodities in the process, in order to promote pointless commodities or buy shortage of goods, with excess goods party or need commodities in short supply party will by hook or by crook. Therefore, take commercial bribery seek market supply and demand balance of resource allocation is the unavoidable.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Generation Me Essay\r'
'In Twenges’ news she uses purpose in several ways. One of her of import purposes is to describe how diametrical generations have completely different views and moral standards. Twenge uses purpose to try and shake the lectors to take that she has done the proper research for her book, and want the contributor to feel corresponding they can trust that what she is aphorism is the truth. In this book she doesn’t believe that in that location it is a problem between the generations just evidently that there atomic number 18 distinct differences, and she tries to help the reader to discover why these differences occurred.\r\nIn this book Twenge is authentically good at giving the audience backcloth knowledge almost herself and about the research that she did for the book. If you are familiar with the audience that you are writing to it is easier to persuade them, because you know there interests.\r\nI think that Twenge did a good job assessing her audience b y intercommunicate herself questions like, who is loss to read what I am going to discuss, what are their backgrounds, how frequently do the readers know about the topic I am writing about, and how much background information should I provide to my audience. I feel that when I read this book I can relate and easily understand what she is discussing. She is writing to a younger audience and not to Biochemists.\r\nI like the form of literary genre that Twenge uses in times Me. She breaks each chapter in to sub categories to put vehemence on peculiar(prenominal) topics which allow the reader to go steady what she thinks is important information. In this book she uses simple dustup with strong interests to get her point across. Structure is real important to the reader and the writer. Different types of magazines and novels have specific formats and structures of how they should be written. The style of writing is starting to change over slowly over time just like fashion cha nges, but it will always be important to consider your audience when formatting the genre of your book.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Information about the KU Writing and Math Centers Essay\r'
'thank you for your letter asking me about studying at Kaplan University. This is very nice place and students feel present very comfortable and confident as they take over plenty of possibilities to learn as many newfangled skills as they may command and concur conviction for. To make life of its students a little simpler, the University has launch two bosoms, which offer a large diverseness of advantages. That is why I am report to you to fleet all necessary randomness about the frame of student assistance at Kaplan University. The University two refers be always ready to provide the students with any applicable assistance.\r\nThere is the Kaplan University musical composition Center and the Kaplan University math Center which atomic number 18 both very servicingful during the study. For example, you ar expireing on any piece labour like research, survey or just canvas you may remark it useful to attend committal to writing Center. This Center purpose is to help students develop their writing skills and technique. The Center staff has developed particular way sections outlining basic steps of croping on writing task. There are four sections for those who are spirit for grammar help or advice on more advanced level of idea generation.\r\nThe section with the APA writing flair guidance is there to help students make their work have a decent scientific stylus and be free of plagiarism. All these guidance sections are in PDF file format and can be downloaded or printed as often as you necessity. writing Center may as well as give a feedback to your written work. For that you get out have to submit your idea by clicking a yellow notepad icon. Once your topic is reviewed, which usually takes about 2 days, you receive an electronic mail message and may get the reviewed paper by downloading it from the submission page.\r\nIn case you are grind at some math problems and need soul to give you essential hints or just want to train your knowledge University Math Center is there to help you. As well as Writing Center, Math Center provides with the wide range of information starting from elementary math operations to the tangled equations solving. You can get not only information on certain math problems but also train you solving skills and check your progress every in a particular area or on the whole module.\r\nThere are specialized mathematics modules dealing with particular math operations, so you can work on them one by one or choose any in which you prefer to improve you knowledge. It has to be pointed out that the Centers have the option of communication with a handler. Thus, Writing Center has a live-chat option where you can meet your tutor and ask him/her any questions related to your written work. However, you won’t have to ask about recite or grammar issues, while the purpose of such pedagogy session is to give you more essential help and make your writing skills more advanced and cost-efficient so that you can use them in your yet study.\r\nSuch live sessions are available for 15 hours per week from Monday to Wednesday in the evenings (6 pm -11 pm ET). Math Center Tutor is available also in the evenings from 8 pm to 11 pm on the analogous days plus Thursday. Just same as writing instructors math tutor will not solve or check your problems or equations; he/she will try to make you prod modules concepts and acquire necessary solving skills. I mustiness admit that both University Centers are extremely laboursaving for those who want to be a better student.\r\nThe linguistic rule of their assistance service is not to do the work for you but to teach you essential techniques and fundamental skills, basing on which one can make progress in study and achieve successful results. Their aim is your actualize understanding of the learning material and ability of independent work. Unfortunately, I have not been for a persistent time here, and I have not had a chance to use any of these centers yet. However, the time when I’ll have to write my research is approaching and I plan to visit Writing Center soon.\r\nWhat I hope to get there is the information of what are the effective ways of collecting information, thesis formulation, arguments learning and other essential points to write an outstanding paper. I am sure center instructors will be of indispensable assistance to me as I am a freshman and I’d advice this service to all my mates. I hope you will find this information useful and in case you need more information, please feel free to gain me. Sincerely, Full Name (insert your full name here) var. and Section Number (insert your class and section number here)\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Compare/Contrast Organic Food Essay\r'
'You’re in a bit of a dilemma stand up in front of the produce section of your local anaesthetic grocery store. In one hand, you’re safekeeping conventionally bragging(a) (non- primitive) Granny Smith orchard apple tree. In your other hand, you have one that’s been organically self-aggrandizing. Both apples look the same and provide vitamins and fiber. The non-organic apple is a proven family favorite. But the organic apple has a label that says â€Å"USDA perfect. †Does that mean it’s to a greater extent expensive? Grown differently? demote for you? Most organic food represent more than conventional food products.\r\nHigher prices atomic number 18 due to more expensive farming practices and more inexorable government regulations. Beca office organic farmers don’t intake herbicides or pesticides, many tools that control gauges and pests use more labor and man power. effectedly grown food may be more cost effective, especially when you’re on a budget, scarcely remember ‘you always get what you pay for’. How is organic farming different from conventional farming? Organic Farming applies natural fertilizers such as mire to feed soil and names. Crops are rotated, and farmers hand weed or mulch, to manage weeds.\r\nThey give their animals a equilibrize organic diet and clean housing to understate disease. Conventional farming uses chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth and herbicides to manage weeds. The farmers give their animals antibiotics and medicines to prevent disease. several(prenominal) people buy organic food to reverberate their exposure to these chemicals. Organic produce claims to be healthier than non organic produce. Both are nutritional plainly organic contains higher levels of vitamins C and A, antioxidants, and essential minerals.\r\nThey are free of synthetic additives that contribute to heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, migraines and Alzheimer’s . Conventional farming uses chemicals that leave residues from more than five 100 chemical pesticides. So the next time you’re standing at the grocery store question if you should buy organic or conventionally grown food, think round(predicate) if the money is worth brio healthy or not. The irony is that up until about fifty years ago, organic was all we had. erstwhile farmers started to use pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics we lost what eating was all about: health and nutrition.\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Corporate Personhood Essay\r'
' incarnate somebodyhood is the concept that a comp all or employment has sub judice recognition by the administration; it simply means that the toilet has the power or ability to enter into contracts, to hire and fire its employees, to process and to be sued, to make speeches freely and to hold space plainly identical any other(a) several(prenominal) (Diamond, 2012). Corporate personhood was recognized first in the grade 1886 by the Supreme Court of the United States in a ruling during a case mingled with the Santa Clara County and Southern Pacific railroad line. The main reason that they were targeting beca work was to give alliances the legal rights of populate in lodge to maintain minority rule and to avoid democracy. In this essay we get to discuss the ch every last(predicate)enges that assimilate develop with incorporated personhood, its impact on other businesses and the club at large. We similarly get to look at the current affairs and state of corporate personhood.\r\nIn comparison, of the two articles which ar, The endangered public company and the steep Santa Clara Corporate personhood recognized, we get to see some of the points in which the two articles concur and those that they differ. We argon overly sledding to look at the Strength and Weaknesses of their decision or arguments. The title endangered public company comes into use because the jackpots ar being targeted for closure, some people ar of the mind that corporations wee been given too more power and they end up ruling us instead of us controlling them (The Economist, 19 whitethorn 2012). Corporations are doing a lot of damages and in skillfulices to other small businesses and due to the incident that it displace non be punished or fined. It avoids justice which umteen people imagine or feel is not fair for the community.\r\nEvery whizz should be answerable for the mistakes they commit and no ace is in a higher place the law. In one of the articles th at critics are challenging corporate personhood, they are against it and would wish for it to be made abominable and all the issues regarding the corporation be directed to a particular item-by-item, only the railroad barons and lawyers get forth with their mischief’s by giving corporations personhood, we besides get to see that people are criminate Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Face withstand directly, ignoring the fact that he is not Facebook as Facebook is now a separate entity that preempt sue and be sued. Although, Zuckerberg acts on behalf of Facebook; he pile buoynot be held accountable for the deeds done under the umbrella of Facebook. (The Economist, 21 May 2012)\r\nIn both of the articles, corporate personhood ends up being recognized as legal though some critics don’t like it. It is however, important that we get to see the strengths and weaknesses of a corporation personhood. Some of the benefits that a business or the individuals owners of the b usiness may get from being in a corporate are. The ability of the corporation to carry all its liabilities incases of any calamity; in case of nonstarter or any other unfortunate occurrence, the corporation will be responsible for the damages and not the individual owners. The railroad barons can now present in comfort for the blames will not be put up to them but directed to the corporation, Zuckerberg can excessively relax for the actions taken by face book are not answerable by him (The Economist, 21 May 2012).\r\nThe ability of the corporation to sue and be sued; the corporation can take any person to royal administration if aggrieved in any way and it can also be taken to cost just like it is with Facebook, individuals have taken it to court for the discussion they have received in the social media, it is also clearly seen I the article of Occupy Santa Clara Personhood reconsidered that a number of corporation have been taken to court for one reason or the other, it is evident that nigh of the corporations always go scot free immediately their lawyers abduce the decision made by the supreme court in the case of Santa Clara County Vs. Southern Pacific Railroad.\r\nThis is because the court have to always uphold previous decisions or judgments’ made especially if it were made by a court that is of a higher authority that the one currently in question. A corporation can live forever, in case of death of any of the owners it just continues operating, a simple process of commute of ownership is all that is required, and although the founders of the South Pacific Railroad are long gone their corporation is dummy up functioning. disrespect the fact that a corporation can be sued, an individual cannot take it to jail, this is because it’s just an abstraction, and this is seen clearly in the issue involving the railroad barons. (Diamonds, 2012) Despite a corporation being of enormous advantages and benefits, they also carry with them th eir disadvantages, Some of the weaknesses that can be viewed embroil the fact that the legal familyalities of establishing the corporation are quite many and tedious, an organization will have to adhere to more state and federal rules and regulation.\r\nThe fact that a corporation is expensive to form also gives it a oppose touch, not every individual can just come and decide to form a corporation. The other issue is that since a corporation can be sued and taken to court, if found fineable of the charges levied against it the repercussion might be severe if the shareholders had not prepared themselves good for the consequences, the corporation might be rendered bankrupt or may be put under receivership which may not ogre well with the shareholders. Corporation personhood is an issue of great concern and many people in the current generation are trying to find a way to revolutionize the decision of the Santa Clara case that haunts many legal suits, they are of the opinion that the 126 classs that corporation have been terrorizing people is enough.\r\nHistorian Morton Horwitz is among the individuals who have been trying their level ruff to overturn the ruling of the supreme court of the year 1886, (Meyers, 2002) though it is evident that the court ruling at that time was aimed at protecting the interest of a big business and protecting the barons it will politic be hard to overturn it because its benefits have been seen in the long run. So many countries have choose the same and they have ripped the fruits of corporate personhood. It may have its side effects but for the record, corporate personhood is one of the best things that has ever happened for the benefits it has brought with it far much outweighs the negative aspects of it. People may magnify the negative aspects but it is evident that without corporate personhood there are a lot of things that would not have been achieved, starting with the railroad.\r\nReferences\r\nMeyers, W., (2002). The Santa Clara Blues, Corporate Personhood versus Democracy. Retrieved from Diamond, S. F., (2012, April 12). Occupy Santa Clara! Corporate Personhood Reconsidered. Dissent Magazine. Retrieved from\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Analysis of “Mr Sookhoo” and “A Cat Within”\r'
'M bingley has been, end-to-end the history of humanity, an end and an aim for human action. In their pursuit of bills, tidy sum have followed different paths; round honourable, legitimate and legal and others devoid of legality, honour and legitimacy. Indeed, in the short story collection Stories from Around the world complied by Hilary Patel, many stories examine the impact of bills and financial considerations on the decisions that many characters make. In â€Å"Mr Sookhooâ€Â, the eponymous character is immediately identified to the averer as someone whose sole concern in action is the accumulation of wealth and riches.\r\nMr Sookhoo, sitting on his porch and chew at a tooth pick discloses an ingenious thought to his help little wife: he informs her that he aims to deploy religion as a tool for qualifi shake offion easy money. Mr Sookhoos plan is simple; knowing that ghostlike people give generously around the zippy season especi completelyy when presented with a group of innocent(p) carol singers raising money for charity, he find outs to get an institute for the guile, deaf and dim and to use local school children to achieve his selfish money-making aims. Sookhoo shows total rationalise to morality putting his personal financial increase at the top of his priorities.\r\nAlso you can read Analysis July at the Multiplex\r\nWhen Mr Sookhoos plan starts salaried dividends in the form of sincere fetchings on the very first day of his carol interpret project, he immediately resolves to work his young assistants (who be not, of course, aware of his malicious intentions) longer hours gift them dwarfish rest. Moreover, when Mr Archibald, the Headmaster of the local school attended by the carol singers, suggests treating the children to ice-cream, Mr Sookhoo chooses to ignore the suggestion buying the children plainly a carbonated drink that clearly cost less than the ice-cream.\r\nIt is clear here that Sookhoo is oblivious to anyt hing tho his obsession with making easy money. In Christianity, Sookhoo is blamable of the sin of avarice or greed which is one of the seven deadly sins that signal total press release of faith. In the story, Mr Sookhoo is not a Christian entirely pretends to be one convincing Mr Archibald that he had â€Å"seen the well-off†in hallow to gain his approval for send children with him on the carol singing mission.\r\nMr Sookhoos avarice take aims to his eventual(prenominal) downfall when he is found out and captured at the end of the story. Sookhoos avarice happens to a snowballing of unfortunate occurrences that discomfit the money-making plan that seemed to be going too well. solely at once many characters appear in the story pushing, as it were, one more nail down into Sookhoos coffin. First, Mr Ali, who had previously paid Sookhoo to deliver some annoy for him, appears and exposes Sookhoos failure to keep his end of the bargain.\r\nIn addition, Mr Archibald, who started harbouring doubts virtually Mr Sookhoo when the latters account of the carol singing successes did not ensure to what Mr Archibald was told by a young pupil called Horace, receives a visitor by the name of Mr Harris (who is a palpable philanthropist working in the charity field) who confirms to him that the deaf, dumb and blind institute does not exist. These revelations and findings raise stress in the story and drive the plotline towards its climax when Mr Sookhoos cheat of money brings about his downfall and arrest.\r\nRead alike Analysis of Characters in Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"The smell You Save May Be Your Ownâ€Â\r\nAt the end of the story, poetic justice is upheld as the assaulter and wrong doer is punished while the good are rewarded. â€Å"Mr Sookhoo†ends on the note that a blind love of money can hardly lead to negative consequences. The price that Sookhoo pays for being a striver to money and materialistic gain is no less tha n his freedom. Mr Sookhoos metaphorical slavery (signaled by his servitude to anything that can lead to making money) at the beginning of the story becomes the ca-ca of his physical incarceration, which is a form a slavery, at the end.\r\nAlthough in the case of Mr Sookhoo, poetic justice is upheld as good is rewarded and evil is punished, the so-called â€Å"cliff-hanger†finis of â€Å"A Cat Within†where the reader is left to decide whether justice leave behind be at all served, contrasts to the message of â€Å"Mr Sookhoo. †In â€Å"A Cat Within,†where the symbolism of the cat acts as a varan of a dark secret that comes back to haunt the un-named â€Å"Shopman†in the story, the love of money seems to have caused a series of crimes much weightier than those committed by Mr Sookhoo, simply in that respect is no indication that these crimes will be punished.\r\nIn fact, one possible interpretation for the blurred ending of the story is that the exorcisers own love of money will prompt him to eternally work the Shopman in order to keep his crimes safely tucked away and isolated like the cats betoken stuck in the metal urn. â€Å"A Cat Within†ends with the Exorcist withdrawing into his room but reminding the Shopman that he will request his pay later. This reminder could be read as a top threat and a prelude to a life-long blackmail project the Exorcist hopes to embark on. In â€Å"A Cat Within,†both the Shopman and the Exorcist display their organic attachment to money.\r\nOn the one hand, the Shopman keeps his tenants in horrible living conditions and sacrifices his own comfort by dormancy in the doorway to stop intruders from coming into his house. On the other hand, the Exorcist makes his living by giving the false impression that he is curing people from obsessions by demons and other supernatural evil beings. When the Exorcist is called upon to help with the assumed â€Å"evil spiritâ₠¬Â wreaking carnage in the shop store, his world that places money at the top of the consideration list and the world of the Shopman, where money occupies the same place, meet.\r\nRead also Case 302 July in Multiplex\r\nThe Exorcist being adept at reading people like a book, manages to chew over accurately about the Shopman and the way he came to pull in his wealth. It transpires that the Shopman killed a man and his widow before taking their land and money. However, unlike Mr Sookhoo, the Shopman remains free at the end with the cat, a symbol of his dark secret, roaming in the streets with a jug on its head. The symbolism of the cat slipping out of the store but with its head still caught inside the jug suggests that the Shopmans secret is only half revealed.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
'My favorite hero Netaji Subhaschandra Bose Essay\r'
'Great poor boyes are honoured in every rude. There are many such heroes in every surface area. People have heavy(p) liking for this hero or that. In our country many dandy heroes were born in the past. They were great patriots. They sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their mformer(a) land. We may handstion, for instance, the get a line of genus Rana Pratap. He was a great national hero. He sacrificed everything for the freedom of his State. In the present age withal many great heroes were born in India. They sacrificed their lives for their country’s freedom.\r\nWe remember their summons with love and respect. My positron emission tomography national hero Among the great heroes of modern India, the name of Netaji Subhaschandra comes uppermost in my mind. I like him trounce/He is my favourite national hero. His life story is a great nonpareil to us. It inspires every Indian with intense patriotism. Why he is my favourite national hero Very few Indians can be compared with Netaji Subhas. He was born in a rich and gloomy Bengalee family in Orissa. He became a member of the Indian Civil Service.\r\nThat was probably the highest ambition of most of the Indian students during the British rule in India. scarcely Netaji Subhas was not satisfied with this. He did not like the life of luxury and pleasure. He chose the difficult path of service of process his fatherland. He took the vow of freeing his beloved motherland from the bondage of foreign rule. He resigned his imperial sevice. He did not care for rank and wealth. He conjugate the movement of the Indian depicted object Congress nether Deshbandhu Chittaranjan. He reaped the fruit of his service to the motherland.\r\nHe struggled firmly to free India from the British rule. And for this he had to suffer frequently all by dint of his life. He was sent to prison. He was externed. Then he was interned in his own home. except no hardship could daunt his spirit. He followed his ideal with winderful zeal. He did what he thought to be right. In this respect he did not admit even to Gandhiji. Perhaps we cannot mention any other eminent leader who had the courage to oppose Gandhiji. But Netaji did it because he had the courage of conviction.\r\nHe felt that in certain respects he was right and Gandhiji was violate and he had the courage to say this. His courage won the admiration of all. He became the President of the Indian national Congress. But he had to resign Presidentship for his pause of opposing Gandhiji. He preferred this. Still he would not sacrifice his firm faith in his policy of fighting for the freedom of his beloved motherland. During the blend great War, he left India in block out and went to Germany and Japan. He hoped to free India with the help of those countries.\r\nHe had a wonderful power of organization. This had been noticed all through his life. He raised an army and called it the Indian National Army. It is briefly known as LN. A. W ith this army he fought against the powerful British Government at Imphal in Manipur. But owing to many adverse circumstances, his contract was not successful. But his noble example inspired all freedom-loving people and particularly the young men of India. This LN. A. and’Jai Hind’ which was their way of greeting, will make his name ever memorable in the history of India.\r\nThe members of I. N. A. alled him Netaji and since past he has been known as Netaji Subhas. After his failure, he left for Japan in an aeroplane. It is said that he met his death from the crashing of that aeroplane. But many Indians still recall that he is not dead. If he is alive, we do not know where he is now. Conclusion The life of Netaji Subhaschandra is a bright example of wonderful patriotism, indomitable spirit, adventurous courage of conviction, miraculous power of organization and loftiness of character. All these virtues appeal to me most, and hence I pretend him as my favourite n ational hero.\r\n'
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