Friday, January 31, 2020
Samsung Analysis Essay Example for Free
Samsung Analysis Essay 1/Identify the ressources and competencies of an organization with which you are familiar using Exhibits 1 and 2 (WA). I decided to undertake an analysis of the Samsung company because I spend a full year in South-Korea, from july 2011 until august 2012. Hence, Samsung is an extremely important conglomerate in this country, working there is for many considered as a  « dream-job  » and furthemore produce as much as 20% as the country total exports. Samsung is well known for their electronic product created by the electronic subsidiaries of the company, Sansung Electronics. Their flagship phone, currently being the Samsung Galaxy S3 sold over 40 millions units. They produce TV, Computer, Display, semiconductors, Cameras But if Samsung is mainly known in the western countries for the Samsung Electronics subsidiaries, it is possible in Korea to live your whole life with Samsung products. Indeed, among the subsidiaries, we can find Samsung Life Insurance, Samsung Heavy Industries (mainly a shipbuilder subsidiarie), Samsung CT There is even some  « Samsung Cities  », like the Suwon Samsung Digital City. It is areas where only the Samsung employees and their families are allowed to get in. Here, there is appartment, school, hospital, entertainment, and everything ones need to lead a life, except that everybody around you is working for samsung. Indeed, Samsung is producing itself almost all the component the company need. So there is enourmous production needs, that lead to enourmous production site. Many of the Samsung employee have so no other choice than living on site with their family. If I am introducing this company that way, it is in order to help us understanding some of the most valuable asset of the company. Samsung has won the trust and the loyalty over thousand of workers who are willing to go the extra mile for the company. Korea is famous to have one of the longest work time in the world. Indeed, in most of the companies workers must be willing to do many hours. Samsung has the intangible benefit of an extremely flexible workforce. But not only flexible, this workforce is also particularly well educated, thanks to the korean education system, one of the hardest in the world. As we said earlier, working for Samsung is considered for many as a dream job, and Samsung workers are more willing than any other worker to go to the extra mile, because they receive a better treatment than other workers in similar Korea company as LG, etc. (In term of salary, but also in term of insurance, and retirement plan : we should not forget that Samsung is not only Samsung Electronics, but also Samsung Life Insurance, and so this company can offer excellent deal to their workers). There is also a prestige for working at Samsung. Consequently, Samsung can easily recruit the elite of Korean student, of Korean researchers, and this indeed is an extremely important competitive advantage other the competition. No company in Korea has this attractiveness, and outside Korea only Apple and Google might be able to have similar advantages. But Apple and Google are western companies, and this mean that not all of their workers agree to give their life to the company. They are certainly not as much loyal as Samsung worker, because Samsung has become part of Korea itself, a national pride. This allow Samsung to have an outstanding capabilities for bearing mass production of any given product at any time. Without the willingness of Samsung employees, the company would certainly not be nowadays worldwide number one top selling smartphone company, neither be able to produce high quality product and being recognized worldwide for their quality. 2/Undertake an analysis of the strategic capability of an organization with which you are familiar in order to identify which capabilities, if any meet the criteria of (a) value, (b) rarity, (c) robustness and (inimitability).
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Inherit the Wind - Character Development of Matthew and Sarah Brady Ess
Inherit the Wind - Character Development of Matthew and Sarah Brady Films with intense legal themes generally present very dry, professional characters with occasional moments of character development. In the film Inherit the Wind, the head legal counsel for the prosecution, Matthew Harrison Brady, first appears as a dynamic man of the people. He and his wife, Sarah, seem to be a perfect couple in the spotlight of American politics. Both characters wear broad smiles, walk tall and proud, and sport conservative, yet fashionable attire. Sarah proudly applauds in support of her husband as he addresses the town of Hillsboro as their lead prosecutor. However, the director and screenwriter of the film continue to develop the Bradys as a couple with a long history full of emotion and love. In the scene entitled "Rachel Visits the Bradys," the characters of Matthew and Sarah Brady emerge as not only a political power couple, but as two very emotionally connected people. The director, Stanley Kramer, uses lighting, sound, and costuming in the character development of Matthew and Sarah Brady. These staging techniques accentuate the intense dialogue between Sarah and Rachel Brown, the preacher's daughter, and between Sarah and Matthew. In this scene, Rachel pays a visit to the Brady's hotel room to confront Matthew about his decision to put her on the witness stand against Bertram Cates. Instead of speaking with Matthew, Rachel and Sarah have a powerful exchange. Matthew then enters, half asleep, to hear Rachel exclaim that she is no longer a child. After Rachel's exit, Sarah and Matthew discuss the case, Matthew's integrity, and their relationship. As the conversation progresses, specific ligh... ...d when he is in public. The final scene shows the couple exchanging roles, accentuated by the rising and falling volume of voices to demonstrate tension. In public life, Matthew appears strong and confident but in their private life, Sarah acts as the source of reassurance. This role reversal suggests that in a relationship, one person cannot always be the assertive partner, but each person has to be strong at different times. In this setting, the Bradys appear to comfort each other in a very intense way. Matthew becomes vulnerable and Sarah rebuilds the image he presents in their public life. The political display they present for the town of Hillsboro is not an accurate representation of their life together. By establishing this contrast, Kramer reveals the misperceptions that result when society assumes that public life replicates private life. Inherit the Wind - Character Development of Matthew and Sarah Brady Ess Inherit the Wind - Character Development of Matthew and Sarah Brady Films with intense legal themes generally present very dry, professional characters with occasional moments of character development. In the film Inherit the Wind, the head legal counsel for the prosecution, Matthew Harrison Brady, first appears as a dynamic man of the people. He and his wife, Sarah, seem to be a perfect couple in the spotlight of American politics. Both characters wear broad smiles, walk tall and proud, and sport conservative, yet fashionable attire. Sarah proudly applauds in support of her husband as he addresses the town of Hillsboro as their lead prosecutor. However, the director and screenwriter of the film continue to develop the Bradys as a couple with a long history full of emotion and love. In the scene entitled "Rachel Visits the Bradys," the characters of Matthew and Sarah Brady emerge as not only a political power couple, but as two very emotionally connected people. The director, Stanley Kramer, uses lighting, sound, and costuming in the character development of Matthew and Sarah Brady. These staging techniques accentuate the intense dialogue between Sarah and Rachel Brown, the preacher's daughter, and between Sarah and Matthew. In this scene, Rachel pays a visit to the Brady's hotel room to confront Matthew about his decision to put her on the witness stand against Bertram Cates. Instead of speaking with Matthew, Rachel and Sarah have a powerful exchange. Matthew then enters, half asleep, to hear Rachel exclaim that she is no longer a child. After Rachel's exit, Sarah and Matthew discuss the case, Matthew's integrity, and their relationship. As the conversation progresses, specific ligh... ...d when he is in public. The final scene shows the couple exchanging roles, accentuated by the rising and falling volume of voices to demonstrate tension. In public life, Matthew appears strong and confident but in their private life, Sarah acts as the source of reassurance. This role reversal suggests that in a relationship, one person cannot always be the assertive partner, but each person has to be strong at different times. In this setting, the Bradys appear to comfort each other in a very intense way. Matthew becomes vulnerable and Sarah rebuilds the image he presents in their public life. The political display they present for the town of Hillsboro is not an accurate representation of their life together. By establishing this contrast, Kramer reveals the misperceptions that result when society assumes that public life replicates private life.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Are All Adolescents at High Risk for Drug Addiction?
‘Psychological characteristics’ is the reason behind the involvement of the young adults to the use of drugs. This is what the authors who investigated the children in Woodlawn have found.  The study of Kellam, Branch, Agrawal and Ensminger regarding the investigation of how the use of drugs has been present in the childhood antecedents traced how the group of urban children from 6 to 7 years old developed.In this study, the authors found that after a decade, when the children aged 16 and 17, they have been using drugs. Also, children who began going to school have already varied ways into young adulthood. (Kellam, Branch, Agrawal, & Ensminger, 1975; Kellam, Brown, Rubin, & Ensminger, 1983)There was also this study of Jeanne and Jack Block about the children at the San Francisco Bay area, whom since nursery have experienced cases with which psychological characteristics has also been the cause.If in Woodlawn study, children involved are those aged 16 and 17, in this s tudy, they have found out that children, at the age of 14, has already committed to drugs and the crimes and cases with its involvement, which is quite alarming. (J. H. Block & J. Block, 1980)The study required the authors to call the government’s attention in mitigating the cases committed by young adults. But aside from the government’s efforts in conducting programs and actions, the study also eyes for the parents to take actions regarding the issue. In terms of the responsibility, it has been the parents who are always on the position to take care of the psychological and emotional development of the children.These studies also included the whole range of conference later subsumed by the California Child Q-sort and the California Adult Q-sort that was designed to give permission to the clinicians in providing the in-depth, wide-ranging psychological descriptions. It was intend to gather information that is full of all psychological terms to talk about the concer ns of the clinical and to give information to the efforts of intervention. (Smith, G. M., & Fogg, C. P. (1978).Earlier investigators to this case have assumed nonstop relationships between the measures of psychological disturbances and the level of drug usage. It is because the approach assumes that the infrequent experimentation with the drugs has been problematic in terms of psychology, because of the tendency and the pressure to the adolescents for the regular use of drugs and for it becomes good to them (drugs are found to be good when the user is under the influence of it).Nonetheless, most of the adolescents in the United States have experiments in the use of marijuana most of the time, and the huge majority of these adolescents do not latterly become abusers of drugs because there is found â€Å"adjustment in the psychosocial†to those young adults who have experiments the use of drugs occasionally and of those young adults who totally avoided drugs. (Johnston et al., 1986; Johnston, Bachman, & O'Malley, 1981 a, 1981 b; Miller et al., 1983; NIDA, 1986)Certainly, occasional use of drugs is what has been suggested by most of the researchers for the adolescents to understand the manifestation of the developmentally appropriate experimentation. One of them has observed those behaviors, personalities and the attitudes of the young adults before they choose a path to in their own choice.It is an expedition for or the organization of self-rule and independently personality and performance. This may be believed a normative attitude among the adolescents of the America from a developmental mission of outlook and in conditions of incidence.In their study, the subject was one hundred and one children. There are forty nine boys and the fifty two remaining are girls. All ages 18 years old. They came from the preliminary preview of one hundred and thirty respondents in a study of the development of ego and mentality. They were at first employed into the ex periment at their age of three. They were attending their nursery then, assessed by their parents. The children have been measured on an extensive successions of psychological methods at ages three, four, five, eleven, fourteen and eighteen. Because there are just few of the subjects were lost over many of years, there can still be an amount of degree of difference of the slow destruction.In the interview, it has been those with the age of eighteen are being collected of the information about drugs. These interviews were conducted by the skilled and knowledgeable deficiency experts and the interviews varied over a selection of topics together with the works in school, relationship with the classmates and friends, the dynamics of the family and the personal interests. The respondents were given questions about if they smoked pot or if they are using it in another form. The response goes with answers like if they never used marijuana, used it one time or two, more than two, one time in a month, one time in a week; twice or thrice in a week and the daily usage.The result of the study reveals that thirty seven percent of the respondents have reportedly trying cocaine and those who tried hallucinogens have been about twenty five percent. It was about ten percent of them found to be trying inhalants, barbiturates, amphetamines and even tranquilizers. There was also one of them has found to have used the heroin. Those who tried marijuana also have the largest count, which is about sixty-eight percent. Before this, it was researched that four years earlier, it was fifty one percent only of the research have been using marijuana. Of the sixty eight percent of the category, thirty nine percent has found to be using marijuana once or more within a month, while twenty one percent of it has found to be using it in a week or about more than a week.These data point out that in a no selected delayed young adult example, irregular study with the marijuana is not destr uctive in terms of personal and societal.This insight is held up by studies of the penalties of drug usage, as well as with the research in the background and associative of drug usage and by with the truth that most of the young adults in America have tested marijuana but have not consequently turn to be abusers of drugs.The obvious contradiction between medical awareness and the found facts by the study, on the other hand, have been resulted when it has been documented that the individuals who in attendance themselves for drug treatment are not courier of the broad population of the young adults.For them, the study with the drugs is extremely unhelpful because drugs effortlessly become an element of a wider pathological disease. For the young adults more in general, some of the study in drugs is obviously does not have the appalling repercussion in the psychology.The Institute of Criminal Justice and Criminology made an evaluation of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE). It examines the DARE if it functions well or bad, and if its reaction to the incidents of drugs is being competent.They compared three hundred forty one fifth grader DARE students to those students who are not under the DARE. There were found major differences in the anticipated track for the usage of alcohol in the previous year, trust in the non anti-society standards, involvement with the group of friends who uses drugs, productive involvement in a group, approach to the police or military, conduct trick, liking and enthusiasm to the school, behaviors that are close to to material usage, and rudenessThere were no distinctions found on the vice materials such as tobacco, cigarettes, and or marijuana usage last year, incidence of any use of drugs in the previous month. All have been the same, just some changes in terms of number figure, but in the total picture of it, nothing has changed.CONCLUSION There have been a lot of books, references, studies and publications that are being made by the experts for the benefit of research and information to identify the causes and effects of the drug addiction issues worldwide. Almost every man in the world knows that the use of drugs is illegal, as it has been imposed by the government that drug use is prohibited because of its negative effects and disadvantages.The reason why there is a high risk for the adolescents in drug addiction is mostly because of the psychological attributes. The quality of guidance and assistance of the parents to their children is proven to be the major cause on why young adults are getting involved into drug addiction.It has been the parents who are being responsible on why the kids grow out of the path and without proper orientation of what life must be when they get into the matured age.Young adults are very prone in the addiction to drugs for their vulnerability stage. They are in the most curious stage of their lives in which no one can not stop them of being probing of everything new t o them. The temptation to do everything they want because they are curious about it is very active at their age. So they are really at the high risk of drug addiction.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Catcher In The Rye And The Great Gatsby Analysis - 1122 Words
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald both have Characters who are phonies. Holden Caulfield complains about everyone and everything and he hides his real emotions so no one can see who he really is and get close to him. Jay Gatsby lies about his past to be with Daisy , leaving everyone in his past behind. Holden Caulfield is phonier than Jay Gatsby because he lies to people about his age to make it seem like hes older , he also lies to cover help how he really feels , and he lies because hes just bored , and the last reason he lies is because he likes to say hes sick so someone will feel sorry for him. Holden doesnt have many friends nor does he connect with a lot of people†¦show more content†¦They let us out early. They let the whole-- You did. You did,...Daddyll kill you!(Salinger 165). Holden is at a hotel and he was offered to get a prostitute so he pays for one and gets into a real weird situation with her which leads him into an even more horrible situation , but Holden isnt too good with situations like that so he lies to the prostitute so they wont have to have sex The thing is, I had an operation very recently....On my wuddayacallit--my clavichord.(Salinger 96). When holden gets into bad situations he acts weird and lies to cover himself up. Holden doesnt always lie for a reason sometimes he is just bored and alone, so he says stuff to people to make them pay more attention to himâ€Å"They kept asking me if I was sure I could afford it and all. I told them I had quite a bit of money with me.†(Salinger 59) Holden really didnt have a reason to lie to the nuns, he was trying to be nice to give and help them because they were the only people who actually listened but he still ended up lying to them. Holden even says himself, he doesnt really have reasons to lie, he just lies to do it â€Å"Im the most traffic liar you ever saw , in your life†(Salinger 16). He cant stop lying, he just does it because hes bored. A few times Holden tells people lies about how hes sick or has something wrong with him to get out of a situation or just to make them feel sorry for him. This time Holden was on the train talking to this woman â€Å"Its me. I haveShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby And The Catcher In The Rye Analysis1028 Words  | 5 PagesThe Great Gatsby is set in the 1920s while The Catcher in the Rye is set in the 1950s. Despite the time periods being 30 years apart, both novels depict the American Dream in similar ways through the protagonist. The Great Gatsby follows the story of young man, Jay Gatsby, trying to win back his former love interest, Daisy, through his acquisition of wealth. 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