Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The Nuclear Fusion Reactor Engineering Essay
Before any probes are done on reexamining suited stuffs for a atomic merger reactor, a general thought of the atomic merger itself had to be introduced. Nuclear merger is the procedure that is straight opposite of atomic fission[ 1 ]. It is a procedure that fuses two or more atomic karyon together in organizing a larger karyon. The karyon involved here are usually the isotopes of H as it is most executable to pull out energy from the merger of these atoms. This procedure releases enormous sum of energy[ 2 ]and it is believed to hold an energy denseness of three to four times greater than the energy denseness of atomic fission which itself is a million times greater of the energy denseness of chemical reactions. Besides that, atomic merger produced much lesser radioactive waste. ( 1 ) Therefore, merger is a really possible power beginnings that are both economically executable and safe. Besides that, merger fuel is renewable, abundant in nature and cheap ( 2 ) . However, to day of the month, there is non a executable operating commercial atomic merger power works. There are, nevertheless, several experimental merger reactors that are operational but they are non sustainable and therefore non executable at the minute. Inarguably, merger reactor is highly hard to construct. Fusion procedure itself is difficult to accomplish under normal fortunes. Fusion fuses 2 or more positively-charged karyon together and it is non hard to conceive of that the energy required to convey the karyon together is really big as the repulsive force force between two indistinguishable charged atoms is reciprocally relative to the square of the distance of the atoms[ 3 ]( 3 ) . In order to originate a merger procedure, it is required to heat the mixture of deuterium-deuterium ( DD ) or deuterium-tritium[ 4 ]( DT ) up to a temperature of non lower than 100 million Kelvin for the karyon to come near adequate to each other and fuse. At these temperatures, the H will be in a wholly ionised province known as plasma. ( 4 ) Presently, there are two ways to accomplish the temperature necessary for the atomic merger to take topographic point. They are, viz. , magnetic parturiency method and inertial parturiency method. Magnetic parturiency merger reactor uses magnetic and electric Fieldss to restrict the isotopes and heat them up to the needed temperature. Inertial parturiency merger reactor, on the other manus, uses optical maser beam or ion beams to heat up the plasma. ( 5 ) For the intent of this literature reappraisal, the magnetic parturiency method will be investigated as this method is considered as more dependable and hence, it is more extremely developed ( 6 ) . Among the magnetic parturiency merger experimental curates, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) will be peculiarly investigated together with Joint European Torus ( JET ) as the back uping probe. This is because ITER is the replacement of JET and ITER is presently the universes ‘ largest tokamak[ 5 ]atomic merger reactor which purpose to move as a operation and prolonging magnetic parturiency merger power works bring forthing net energy of 9 times the power its consume[ 6 ]( 7 ) . This is known to be the biggest graduated table of the merger reactor so far in the universe where the merger reactor will hold a really high energy generation and sustained burn. Upon the successful demonstration/experimentation in ITER, a all-out merger reactor will be able to be con structed on a larger graduated table based on the rule of ITER and benefits the world. Therefore, it is instead relevant to look into the potency of ITER in this reappraisal as if ITER is successfully built and demonstrated, a full graduated table power station that map wholly based on atomic merger can be produced. The building of ITER is still undergoing and expected to be completed in 2019.Objectives & A ; MotivationsThe aims of this literature reappraisal are to reexamine and take different stuffs that are suited in the building of the atomic merger reactor specific for ITER based on literatures available. In constructing a atomic merger reactor, different facets will hold to be considered and investigated as the standard for constructing a atomic merger power works is non easy satisfied. These will be farther discussed in this reappraisal. Therefore, in order to fulfill the different standards and different facets, different stuffs and their belongingss will hold to be consider ed before any choice is done. The motive of this literature reappraisal is based on the feasibleness and the limitless capablenesss of a atomic merger reactor. It is expected that non-renewable resources which are chiefly natural fossil fuels such as coal, crude oil and natural gas would be depleted by 2100. The present civilisation are mostly based on oil and gas in energy coevals and production and therefore by 2100, if alternate beginnings are non sought after, so the present civilisation would fall in due to the energy deficit ( 8 ) . Nuclear merger power works, a really promising energy beginning, is being investigated by the scientists and applied scientists as one of the alternate beginnings of energy upon depletion of fossil fuels. Nuclear merger power works would non potentially let go of C dioxide ( CO2 ) as pollutant to the ambiance therefore will non be lending to planetary heating. Fusion fuels are besides abundant in nature as heavy hydrogen and tritium can be easy obtained from saltwater and Li[ 7 ]easy. If all heavy hydrogen in one liter of H2O is used to blend with tritium, the energy produced by this will be tantamount to the combustion of 340 liters of gasoline ( 9 ) . Contrary to atomic fission, atomic merger leaves minimal or none of the radioactive waste. Contrary to atomic fission as good, the atomic merger power works have no potency of meeting a meltdown[ 8 ]at all and therefore will non do black consequence to the environing environment. For all these advantages, joint attempts from developed states all round the universe are sing atomic merger power works as a possible energy providing and therefore different constructs, proposals and designs had been proposed in order to construct a functional merger reactor. Therefore, it is non difficult to conceive of that the motive of the subject â€Å" Advanced Materials for Fusion Reactors †is wholly based on the fact that merger power works would be to a great extent dependent on in the hereafter if it is succeeded been developed.Components of Nuclear Fusion Reactors2.1 IntroductionThis literature reappraisal will get down with a general debut of the constituents of a magnetic parturiency atomic merger power works and how the power works plants, so will be divided into subdivisions look intoing the major proficient challenges of some constituents inside the reactor. Upon the proficient challenges are determined, the focal point of this reappraisal will be on choosing the stuff belongingss that are suited for the job an d therefore the appropriate stuff measure uping for the peculiar belongings.Magnetic Confinement Fusion Power PlantThere are presently different methods in accomplishing the parturiency of the hot plasma magnetically. Among the most recent and widely method used is Tokamak whereby ITER itself is based on the construct of Tokamak ( 10 ) . This might be due to the fact the Tokamak is the most well-developed magnetic parturiency system at the present phase. Illustration of the magnetic parturiency merger construct Figure: Conventional Diagram of a Tokamak ( 11 ) Figure: Conventional Diagram of the Tokamak in ITER ( 12 ) Figure 1 and Figure 2 both show the conventional diagrams of how a Tokamak will look like. The vacuity vas[ 9 ]on Figure 2 will incorporate plasma and will be the topographic point where the merger reaction will take topographic point. The cover faculty will be screening the vacuity vas from the high-energy neutron and bring forthing tritium for farther merger procedure ( 13 ) . The toroidal field spiral and poloidal field spiral[ 10 ]are responsible to make a magnetic field in perpendicular and horizontal way to restrict the hot plasma and maintain the plasma off from the wall ( 14 ) . The cardinal solenoid will on the other manus bring on the current in the fuel that will ionize the H fuel organizing the plasma, heat up the plasma to about one tierce of the temperature required by merger[ 11 ]( 14 ) and besides shape the magnetic field in the divertor part ( 15 ) . The divertor maps as an ‘exhaust ‘ to pull out heat from the merger reaction every bit good as the waste m erchandise – He ( 16 ) . As mentioned earlier, the merger requires a temperature of over 150 million Kelvin, and hence, the warming produced by plasma current is deficient to heat up the plasma. Therefore, external warming[ 12 ]will be required to heat up the temperature further to the desired 100 million Kelvin. As ITER is an experimental reactor to look into the possibility of a merger reactor, hence, there are besides extended nosologies systems that are installed on the Tokamak to analyze the belongingss of the plasma and the existent perfomance of the ITER ( 18 ) . Finally, the cryostat is responsible to incorporate and back up the whole Tokamak construction. ITER will non be able fo map with the whole Tokamak system entirely. It needs external system to back up it as a functional reactor. As explained above, the plasma will be contained in a vacuity vas and therefore a vacuity system will be needed to pump air out of the vacuity vas to make a status of highly low denseness and force per unit area[ 13 ]( 19 ) . Contrary to atomic fission, atomic merger reaction will merely happen one in a clip inside the tokamak. This means that certain sum of mass of H fuel[ 14 ]is injected into the vacuity vessels one at a clip and let the merger reaction to take topographic point. Therefore, a fuelling system must be used here. Due to the fact that the force per unit area inside the vas is really low and the fuel involved is really little, the merger reaction in ITER clearly will non do any lay waste toing consequence to the environment or the reactor once the reactor goes incorrectly. As the ITER is runing on a really big graduated table, much larger compared to its old version, hence, the magnets[ 15 ]will be heated up really rapidly and therefore is required to be cooled utilizing cryogenic engineering ( 21 ) . Distant handling is besides required in the ITER as it is impossible to make any fix or maintainance in the ITER while the reactor is active ( 22 ) . Like any other power works, ITER will necessitate a chilling system that will be responsible to chill or instead extract any heat released in the procedure ( 23 ) . For ITER, the heat will be dissipated to the milieus as it is an experimental reactor that are non responsible to bring forth electricity. For a real-life reactor, the heat extracted will be used to bring forth steam to turn the turbine which will in bend generate electricity. This would be the precisely same rule as a real-life power reactor. Ultimately, a power supply is required for ITER as it is impossible to bring forth any end product power without initial input power for a merger power works. These will be the chief constituents of a merger reactor. Each constituent will subsequently be investigated seperately together with the pick of stuff for the constituent. The general working rule behind a merger reactor like ITER will be as follow: First, all drosss and air are pump out of the vacuity vass. Fusion fuel will so be allowed to come in the reactor through the fuelling system. The cardinal solenoid will so bring on current to the fuel and inonize it into plasma while heating up the plasma. Simultaneously, the toroidal field spiral and poloidal field spiral will be activated and they will bring forth magnetic gield that will steer the plasma in weaving around the vacuity vas. External warming will farther heat up the temperature of the plasma up to around 150 1000000s Kelvin. The merger procedure will so get down. High-energy neutron will be released and absorbed into the cover. The energy produced by the neutron and the merger reaction will so be absorbed by the go arounding chilling H2O which will so disperse the heat consequently. Any merchandise that are left behind will so be exitting through the divertor.Material Challenges Presented in a Nuclear Fusion ReactorThere are several challenges that had to be faced in constructing a Tokamak type merger reactor. In fact, the challenges can be largely demonstrated on constructing an experimental reactor such as ITER. First and first, the neutron released by the merger reaction has a really high energy of about 14 MeV. Even fission reaction will merely let go of neutron of energy 2 MeV. Therefore, appropriate stuffs must be selected to see such neutron flux and barrage. Such barrage on any stuff will decidedly damage the stuff and induces radiation ( 24 ) . Besides neutron irradiation, the stuff must besides subject to gamma radiation flux and impersonal atom fluxes. Though non obvious, but the nosologies system in the ITER will besides necessitate to defy such rough environment in the vacuity vass ( 18 ) . The cover wall will function multiple intents every bit good. The cover wall needs to be able to bring forth tritium when interacting with the neutron release by merger reaction to farther fuel tritium for following merger ( 25 ) . The first wall of the plasma chamber will necessitate to confront the highly high temperature plasma every bit good. Therefore, it will be subjected to electromagnetic moving ridges of high energy which chiefly are X-rays ( 2 ) and highly high heat burden. Due to extreme heat flux, there might be hazard that stuffs will be evaporated from the divertor and being deposited on the plasma confronting surface ( 26 ) . As the merger power works like ITER use magnetisms to restrict the plasma, it is besides of import to observe that the magnets used in the power works must be of high efficiency. It is suggested that the magnets use here should be ace conducting as the power consumed by a normal magnet to restrict such plasma will be really immense ( 2 ) . As the divertor is responsible to wash up the byproduct of merger, it will hold to digest high heat tonss[ 16 ]and supply the shielding for neutron barrage every bit good ( 27 ) . The cardinal solenoid and poloidal field spirals will bring on a big and fluctuating magnetic field of about 1T at the first wall and 0.2T at the cryostat wall ( 26 ) . The operation of ITER is besides the largest to day of the month which it will necessitate to keep a steady-state operation of more than 1 hr. With that in head, this will be the harshest environment that is yet to be experienced by bing stuffs. Before any choices are done, the readers of this literature reappraisal are advised that the choice of all stuffs are done based on the diaries and the studies done by the ITER forces and applied scientists and their suitableness remains to be confirmed. There are besides some company being suggested by the ITER organisations that are specializing in production of different stuffs for each constituent. Readers that are interested can look up the company. The general choice of the stuffs for cardinal constituents had already been summarised in the Table 4 of Appendix. Full design specification of ITER can besides be viewed at ( 28 ) .General Structural MaterialThe general structural stuff here is the stuff for the in-vessel constituents[ 17 ], the vacuity vass and cryostat. There is a general understanding that the structural stuffs in a merger atomic power works should non bring forth any radioactive merchandises that have a long life clip and the ephemeral radioactive merchandise on the other manus should non do unacceptable safety effects. This is to forestall the volatile radioactive merchandises that might be released into the environment in the event of accidents and to understate the consequence of high decay heat[ 18 ]. This in footings regulations out the possibility of utilizing several debasing elements for steels in ITER. These include Nb, Mo, Co and Ni ( 29 ) . For ITER, the most suited structural stuff would be unstained steel ( SS ) . The class selected here would be type 316L ( N ) -IGX[ 19 ]austenitic SS. The steel selected here had many belongingss that are first-class for the ITER constructions. Among the belongingss are equal mechanical belongingss, good opposition to corrosion, able to be welded, forged, and casted[ 20 ], industrially available can be easy manufactured, much less sensitive to radiation embrittlement ( 32 ) . The austenitic SS here is besides well-known for its extended database and acceptable radiation harm opposition. Although some lessening in ductileness might happen due to irradiation at temperature of 275-375A °C, but this is sufficient for ITER operation ( 32 ) . The austenitic SS proposed for cryostat would be 304L. Although the steel is being selected, there are certain demands for the contents of the steel that must be satisfied. For a merger reactor, activated Co ( Co ) is really important in lending radiation dosage. Therefore, the decrease of Co content in all the chromium steel steel used to 0.05 % can cut down the activation of the constituents ( 30 ) . Besides Co, Nb would bring forth durable radioisotopes that will post a job in waste direction and decommissioning. For 316L ( N ) -IG SS, Nb is present as hint component. It is of import to cut down Nb content in the steel to 0.01 % ( 30 ) . Although the stuff for shielding of the chief vacuity vass will be SS 316L ( N ) -IG, the shielding of the primary vass[ 21 ]can be done utilizing SS 30467 with 2 % B[ 22 ]and the stuff for ferromagnetic shielding[ 23 ]can be done utilizing SS 430 ( 31 ) in the vacuity vas. Besides the general construction, the stuff of nickel-based-alloy keys and bolts[ 24 ]used must be investigated here every bit good. The general stuff for cardinal and bolts would be Inconel 718 ( 30 ) . The pick of stuff here is due to the fact that Inconel 718 has high strength, stamina and weariness opposition and it is widely used in atomic industry and commercially available ( 32 ) . The expected neutron irradiation experienced by the bolt would be 0.5 dpa, under such status, the strength of Inconel 718 will increase together with a little lessening in ductileness but it will non impact the overall constituent unity over its life-time. However, the low coefficient of thermic enlargement of Inconel 718 must be taken into consideration ( 33 ) .The BlanketAs mentioned in Section 2.3, the cover is a really of import constituent in ITER. The cover will hold to fulfill the undermentioned demand: To defy the high heat burden due to its close contact with the plasma. To retrieve tritium and to engender tritium fuel for new merger reaction. To supply thermic screening to the vas. To supply screening from neutron barrage and bring forth a little sum of radioactive waste. To retrieve heat by provide sufficient cooling/heat money changers. To protect the magnet spiral from the atomic radiation. In a merger reactor like ITER, the cover system is farther divided into 2 parts, viz. the first wall as the first bed of protection, and the cover as the shielding and tritium genteelness. Most of the neutron produced by the merger will go through through the first wall and are absorbed in the cover and the shield ( 2 ) . Therefore, the cover will be responsible to capture these neutrons while pull outing their energy and besides breed new tritium to replace tritium used in the merger procedure. The heat sink besides exists here to let heat exchange to take topographic point. On the other manus, the first wall will supply screening for tritium and in the ITER, it will be the most tritium-contaminated device ( 27 ) . The first wall is besides responsible to screen the constituent behind it from the direct contact with plasma. Therefore, the first wall should be able to defy the corrosion resulted from the plasma when they are in contact with one another. Besides, for the intent of eas y care, the cover wall is modular. The full cover parametric quantity is listed in Table 1 as shown below: Table: Blanket Parameter for ITER ( 500 MW merger reactor ) ( 27 ) Beryllium ( Be ) is the first pick of stuff for the tiles of the first wall. This is because of the undermentioned belongingss: low plasma taint, ability to defy big figure of perpendicular supplanting events ( 34 ) , low radiative power losingss, good O gettering provided that heat burden is non sufficient to vaporize Be, low tritium stock list[ 25 ]( 35 ) , absence of chemical spluttering, low atomic figure, the possibility of in situ fix of the harm faculties by plasma spray, first-class neutron and energy generation. The class of Beryllium selected is S-65C VHP due to its low content of metallic dross, high neutron irradiation opposition, high thermic weariness opposition, high elevated temperature ductileness and low cycling thermic weariness ( 30 ) . However, the chief job of Be are toxicity and handiness ( 25 ) . The toxicity will non be an issue[ 26 ]here and sing the handiness, Be can ever be reprocessed upon the terminal of the life clip of the reactor for new reactor. There is available engineering and processs to manage Be at current minute and the reprocessing is executable. The existent ingestion of Be will non be much of a concern. Other than that, there is a chief concern that the brickle break of Be is noticed when it is tested under low irradiation temperature[ 27 ]( 30 ) . Such embrittlement at low temperature could take to the brickle failure of the faculties. Additional R & A ; D is needed to analyze the break mechanics of S-65C VHP. It is besides noticed that Be is merely acceptable for a low-duty rhythm machine[ 28 ]such as ITER ( 34 ) . In decision, the first wall panels and the bulk of the internal Tokamak surface will be covered by Be. Their occupation is simple, to defy and reassign the heat from the plasma t o the chilling system via heat sink. In fact, for ITER and JET, there is already a company in Finland known as DIARC-Technology Inc. that is specialised in supplying the plasma coating ( 36 ) . It is of import besides to observe that ceramic complexs such as silicon-carbide ( SiC ) fibre-reinforced SiC-matrix had been conveying to the concern of the applied scientists. Ceramic complexs are of peculiar involvement due to the fact that the degree of radiation induced here is much lower[ 29 ]than that of a metallic construction ( 2 ) . However, with the high pay-off, it comes with high hazard. The high pay-off is evidently the first-class safety of SiC due to its highly low induced radiation, whereas the high hazard is uncertainness of the SiC public presentation and belongingss when it is subjected to irradiation under high temperature ( 37 ) . Table 2 is attached naming the cardinal constituents required if the new-generation SiC is chosen to be used as the structural stuff and the nucleus stuff[ 30 ]in the power works. Several issues need to be raised before sing SiC: the cost of fiction of the complexs, the connection method, low thermic conduction under irradiation at hig h temperature, and the maximal operating temperature around the cover and the constructions of the works. SiC had been considered in assorted power works designs such as TAURO, DREAM, and AIRES-AT. However, it is non being considered as the chief structural stuff in ITER due to its unpredictable public presentation. Further R & A ; D might be required to develop SiC into a high public presentation merger power works nucleus stuff with safety advantages. Detailed plants can be referred at ( 37 ) . Table: Suggested Parameters for a SiC-based Fusion Power Plant ( 37 ) Besides the screening consequence by the first wall, cover besides act as a tritium breeder. The suited stuff here would be Li or Li compounds as it will absorb the high-energy neutron and release tritium as shown in Equation 1 and 2 below ( 2 ) . The first reaction will devour energy of 2.87 MeV but it will bring forth an extra neutron that can undergo farther reaction to engender tritium. The 2nd reaction will take to an energy production of 4.8 MeV. The enrichment of the Li in the compounds depends on the type of power reactor. Equation.Equation Among the Li compounds, Lithium zirconate ( Li2ZrO3 ) is preferred as the genteelness cover due to its good irradiation stableness, its good compatibility with steel, low tritium keeping at low temperature, and insensitiveness to wet ( 31 ) . The Li here can be enriched to 90 % to heighten the genteelness of tritium. The genteelness cover here will be in the signifier of pebbles. The proposed agreement of the breeder would be holding 2-3 breeder zones embedded in Be tiles giving the net tritium genteelness ratio of greater than 0.8 ( 31 ) . Ultimately, the dramatis personae steel can be used as the concluding shielding portion of the first wall ( 30 ) . In the design of ITER, a high thermic conduction stuff, known as heat sink, will be placed in between the armor and the chilling channels with its chief fuction being reassigning the heat fluxes and energy extracted by the first wall to the coolants, cut downing the thermic emphasiss undergone by the protecting constituent expeditiously. Therefore, for the heat sink, the Cu ( Cu ) metal would be preferred due to its high thermic conduction. The class selected here would be CuCrZr metal. However, the belongingss of CuCrZr alloy depend extremely on its thermomechanical intervention and fabrication procedure. Provided the fabrication procedure will impact the belongingss minimally, CuCrZr will hold high break stamina at high temperature. Besides CuCrZr is a weldable stuff and it is widely available in the market. Although the metal will exhibit radiation hardening, lessening in ductileness, and loss of the ability for work indurating at low neutron irradiation temperature, the public pr esentation of the metal still meets ITER ‘s standards ( 32 ) . However, this CuCrZr metal will be differ from the standard one in footings of its content. For the standard metal, the Cr contents would change from 0.4 % to 1.5 % and Zr contents would change from 0.03 % to 0.25 % , nevertheless, the metal used in ITER would utilize a much narrower scope[ 31 ]. The ground of restricting Cr in much narrower scope is to cut down the possibility of formation of harsh Cr precipitates which will affection the radiation opposition. Zr on the other manus will do hardening of metal and influences the recrystallization temperature and the ageing clip. The restriction of O in the metal to less than 0.002 % and the entire sum of drosss to less than 0.03 % is besides needed for a better embrittlement opposition ( 30 ) . Besides the stuffs for each constituent, the stuff of the articulations of heat sink to the cover faculties and to the overall construction needs to be considered every bit good. To bond the heat sink onto the armour stuffs, a procedure known as Hot Isostatic Pressing ( HIP ) is introduced ( 36 ) . HIP bonding is a type of fabricating procedure that will adhere metals together while cut downing the porousness of the metals and it will ensue in tight geometrical tolerance. The status of the HIP of the two stuffs is furthered explain in ( 32 ) and ( 31 ) . In fact, the articulations of Be/Cu and Cu/SS had been successfully tested under heat flux up to 12 MW/m2 under 4500 rhythms ( 31 ) . In UK, there is an technology company known as AMEC worked with the bonding of the hot sink to the Be foremost wall. Detailss for HIP fall ining engineerings can be viewed at ( 31 ) , ( 38 ) and ( 39 ) . Figure: Blanket Flexible Support Attachment ( 32 ) There is another stuff concern here for the covers attachment. As shown in Figure 3, it is necessary to attach the cover to the vacuity vass. The ITER design is such that a flexible cartridge is screwed onto the vas and bolted through the entree hole in the cover faculty. The stuff here needs to fulfill the undermentioned standards: high strength, must be able to defy high axial burden forces and let elastic distortion during flexing. The pick of stuff here would be titanium alloy – Ti-6Al-4V ( 32 ) . This stuff is widely used and so its database is instead complete. The stuff itself besides has low Young modulus ( 31 ) . The ductileness of the stuff is non capable to any alterations as the dosage it will be exposed to as the protection from the cover faculty itself minimise the barrage of the energetic neutron onto the cartridge.Divertorshypertext transfer protocol: // Figure: The perpendicular marks and the dome of the ITER divertor ( 16 ) For the armour tiles of the divertor baffle countries[ 32 ], sintered wolfram ( W ) in the cold worked and stress relieved conditions will be a great pick. W has low eroding rate[ 33 ]as compared to Be and C, low tritium keeping ( 32 ) , and longer life-time ( 16 ) . However, the disadvantages of utilizing wolframs are such that it will do a big radiative power loss and might run if it is subjected to abnormal high extremum burden. Therefore, for countries that exposed to high thermic flux[ 34 ], W is non suited. Therefore, for such countries, carbon-fibre-reinforced C complex ( CFC ) will be used due to its high thermic conduction to have the higher heat fluxes. However, the usage of CFC must be minimised and restricted to the country mentioned above merely because it will gnaw chemically and retain tritium. Besides that, there are some belongingss alterations of CFC under neutron irradiation that must be noted. At low irradiation temperature[ 35 ], the thermic conduction of CFC might be 3-5 times lower than the unirradiated CFC. The lessening in the thermic conduction might take to a rise in thermic eroding ( 30 ) . However, the addition in eroding is still allowable within the life-time of the constituent. Detailss of fall ining engineerings for CFC are discussed at ( 38 ) . In short, the stuff choice for divertor baffles and dome would be W and CFC at the work stoppage points chiefly the perpendicular marks ( 36 ) . As there are advantages and disadvantages of utilizing CFC and W, another suggestion for the divertor stuff is using a coating of W on CFC. This might show a good solution and cut down cost but it is subjected to research. However, there is an issue with this solution. The thermic enlargement of CFC might post the job to the divertor itself. This can farther be overcome by lodging a thin bed[ 36 ]of Molybdenum ( Mo ) as intermediate. This had been tested by heating up to 2000 A °C without the failure of the constituents ( 36 ) . Full makings of wolfram coating is reported in ( 40 ) . For the overall cassette organic structure of the divertor, SS 316 L ( N ) -IG is selected as stuff for fabricating through cast/HIP or pulverization HIP method. The elaborate survey of the plasma confronting stuff[ 37 ]and its experimental consequences together with the belongingss of articulation can be found at ( 41 )NosologiesIn existent merger reactor, the nosologies system might non be that extended as compared to the experimental reactor like ITER, but the being of nosologies system and diagnostic device inside the vacuity vas is ineluctable in order to analyze the plasma parametric quantities and the wall parametric quantities. Like all other in-vessels constituents, nosologies system will be subjected to high neutron flux and high radiation ( 32 ) . The stuffs used for nosologies system today ‘s experiment experience really small radiation, hence new stuffs must be proposed to be used in the risky environment like ITER. To give an thought of how rough is the environment that the nosologies system will see, Table 3 is shown in Appendix for farther mention. In choosing the stuff for the nosologies system, the cardinal choice standards would be radiation opposition. ITER would utilize fibre ocular transmittal near the plasma. During merger, a few meters of overseas telegram will be subjected to important radiation flux, hence, radiation opposition for optical wavelengths would be a consideration. In the IR and the seeable part of electromagnetic moving ridges[ 38 ], stuffs such as silicon oxides fibre with optimized fluorine-doped nucleus will supply dependable fiber-optic transmittal in the high-radiation vacuity vass ( 42 ) . However, it is non advisable to utilize optical fiber inside the vacuity vass because embrittlement may happen at high degree of irradiation and in the vacuity vass and the fiber in the vacuity vas will hold to work outside its preferable part of electromagnetic moving ridges as mentioned above. In order to go through the fiber into the vacuity vass, a more optimal stuff must be searched for. In order to go throug h the wire into the vacuity vas into the ITER device, a multi nucleus ( 57 fibers ) device that can be remotely handled is being developed. For insulating ceramics[ 39 ]of wire, the wire and the magnetic spiral, it is non a large job as there is assuring campaigners exist. Single crystal and polycrystal aluminum oxide ( Al2O3 ) can be considered as the insulating ceramics with careful pick of operating temperature scope ( 32 ) . In fact, Al2O3 will be used throughout for the electrical dielectric of the constituents around the ITER. It is non expected that the stuff will see important debasement of its strength over its life-time in the reactor. However, it is of import to observe the effects of irradiation on the electrical belongingss of the electrical constituents and the dielectric stuff. Two of the of import physical consequence would be radiation-induced conduction ( RIC ) and radiation induced electrical debasement ( RIED ) ( 26 ) . The RIC consequence for the campaigner stuffs had been shown in Table 6 in Appendix. However, overall, there is no serious debasement of the belongingss that might impact the public pr esentation and the safety of the stuffs provided the careful choice of stuffs. For RIED, nevertheless, it is still non being understood yet, hence more R & A ; D must be done ( 43 ) . Mineral insulating ( MI ) overseas telegrams[ 40 ]are extremely immune to radiation every bit good and are widely used in atomic reactor ( 44 ) . Therefore MI overseas telegrams will be a suited campaigner for the magnetic spiral and overseas telegrams. The Windowss used in the nosologies system is besides subjected to radiation. The belongingss that are of concern when choosing the diagnostic window is radiation induced soaking up ( 26 ) . Sapphire can be considered as better stuffs for the Windowss when subjected to shorter wavelength as compared to fused silicon oxide due to its tolerance to gamma radiation[ 41 ]. However, diamond will be as the best stuff for nosologies Windowss as it can digest radiation from GHz part to IR part ( 32 ) . For plasma-facing optical component ( mirrors and reflectors ) , the mirrors will frequently confront with the job of deposition of scoured stuffs from other in-vessel constituents and subjected to intense radiation. Careful pick of mirror stuff must be made. For majority metal mirrors, the radiation and neutron might non present a serious menace although excess attention still hold to be taken to cover with the atomic warming ( 26 ) . The pick of stuff for majority metal mirrors can be Cu, W, Mo, SS or Al. For dielectric coated mirror, neutron irradiation can take to flaking and vesiculation and will damage the mirror. The similar job will happen with the multi-layer mirrors. Therefore, choice must be careful. Suggested stuffs for dielectric coated mirror are HfO2/SiO2 and TiO2/SiO2 ( 32 ) . For inorganic X-ray crystal, it will be unaffected by the neutron irradiation. Suggested stuff is graphite ( 43 ) . Bolometer is a device mensurating the power of electromagnetic radiation and therefore will be installed in ITER every bit good. Bolometer of stuff made of isinglass as the substrate and gold as meander used for JET is possible to be reintroduced in ITER as the testing of the bolometer is the JET reactor is non a job. However, the gold meander thought to hold been broken due to the transubstantiation and substrate puffiness ( 43 ) . Therefore, for ITER, alternate meander such as Pt will be considered. But the design for ITER at the minute still keep Mica as substrate and Gold as meander ( 32 ) , though more R & A ; D had been planned look intoing the possible substrate stuffs such as Al2O3, aluminum nitride ( AIN ) , CVD diamond, KU1 fused silicon oxide and Si3N4.MagnetsThe magnets, without uncertainties, are the most of import and critical component in a magnetic parturiency atomic merger power works. The spirals must be designed to accomplish superior public presentation in footing s of the current denseness and field at minimal cost without compromising the quality of the magnets ( 45 ) . Therefore, the choice of stuffs for the magnet remains a really important portion in a reactor like ITER. The pick of the magnets will be depend on the field, temperature and current. Among the suited stuffs that can be used to construct the superconductor magnets here are Nb3Sn and NiTi. Nb3Sn has a higher critical temperature and field than its opposition. However, NiTi is more malleable and the twist techniques are more conventional ( 32 ) . For cardinal solenoid and toroidal field spiral, the selected stuff is Nb3Sn because it allows these spirals to run at 12 T while being cooled by the supercritical He. Harmonizing to ( 45 ) , Nb3Sn is the lone stuff that is capable of supplying 12 T which is far more beyond that other commercially available superconductor but it will hold to undergo complex fabrication procedure which will be explained in the undermentioned reappraisal. For ITER, it is of import besides to guarantee that there is minimal hysteresis loss with high current denseness. NbTi will be selected for poloidal field spiral ( 46 ) . The construction of the toroidal field and the cardinal solenoid will be a lesion in a form of battercake and utilize the engineering ‘wind, react and transportation ‘ while for the construction of poloidal field spiral, the construction will be like dual battercakes ( 12 ) . Figure: Typical Agreement of Conductors Strand and Filaments ( 32 ) The music director jacket plays an of import structural function for the magnets. For poloidal field spiral, the fiction of the jacket will be an bulge subdivision which is assembled by butt welding. As a consequences, the tensile emphasis will rule here and 316L ( N ) austenitic steel is selected as the stuff for polodial field spiral music director jacket ( 12 ) . On the other manus, cardinal solenoid is extremely stressed and it will necessitate to rhythm twice per pulsation from 0 to 13T magnetic field. Therefore, the stuff for cardinal solenoid music director jacket demands to hold high output strength and high weariness opposition and have to be co-reacted through Nb3Sn heat intervention[ 42 ]. Titanium will be preferred stuff for cardinal solenoid music director jacket because it is preferred for a co-reacted jacket holding a thermic contraction coefficient that is near to that of Nb3Sn strands as the strand superconducting belongingss will be decreased by strain ( 32 ) . Besides Ti, Incoloy 908 will undergo precipitation indurating during co-reaction holding a high weariness opposition and is besides a suited stuff for the jacket music director. However, it is excess sensitive to emphasize accelerated grain boundary oxidization[ 43 ]( SAGBO ) which will ensue in O demands during the heat intervention procedure ( 32 ) and hence the heat i ntervention furnace must be controlled to keep low concentrations of O ( 47 ) . It is besides indispensable that the music director will be insulated with glass-kapton when being heat treated to guarantee good insularity ( 45 ) . Therefore, finally, Incoloy 908 will be used to envelop the overseas telegram although it is new and need to be co-reacted with Nb3Sn under carefully specified conditions ( 48 ) . Figure 7 in Appendix can be referred to see the overall cardinal solenoid clearly. The item fabrication procedure and weaving engineering is further discussed at ( 48 ) . For toroidal field spiral, the music director jacket can be built from modified 316LN[ 44 ]steel tubing which has a higher thermic contraction during co-reaction and acceptable break stamina. As such the big mechanical burdens on the toroidal filed spiral can be overcome by edifice of the thick steel spiral instances around the superconductors weaving battalion. These instances will see high emphasis locally with a cyclic constituent due to its interaction with poroidal field spiral ( 32 ) . The insularity of toroidal field spiral will utilize the same stuff as cardinal solenoid which is glass-kapton tape. The item fabrication procedure and weaving procedure of toroidal field spiral can be explored at ( 49 ) . Furthermore, to forestall fast fatigue cleft growing in steel due to the temperature of 4 K coolant of liquid He go throughing through it[ 45 ], a to the full established steel of category 316 must be used. Just to accomplish this intent, a particular category of strengthened austenitic steel have been defined. They are given name as EK1, EC1, JJ1, and JK2 during the R & A ; D of ITER. These steel are formed by increasing its N content which will increase the strength of the stuff and increasing its manganese content to increase nitrogen solubility in order to keep a good welding. EK1 and JJ1 will be used to beef up the interior leg basic elements[ 46 ]of toroidal field spiral instance and articulations around the spiral and intercoil construction. JK2 will be used to reenforce the Ti cardinal solenoid music director jacket. EC1 is used to beef up outer leg basic elements[ 47 ]of toroidal field spiral. ( 32 )External Heatinghypertext transfer protocol: // w/content/com/Lists/WebsiteText/Attachments/17/heating_4.jpg Figure: Proposed External Heating of ITER ( 17 ) The heating beginning of the merger power reactor must non be neglected every bit good in footings of stuff choice. This is because the external warming will be responsible to supply more than 10 % of the 50 MW input power of the merger power works. It is besides responsible to heat the temperature of the plasma up to the desired 150 million Kelvin. As mentioned in Section 2.1, there will be 2 beginnings of electromagnetic moving ridges that are responsible to heat up the plasma. Therefore, it is required to construct 2 radio-frequency aerial. The aerial will hold to prolong long continuance of plasma operation utilizing the high powers with the aid of Lower Hybrid Passive Active Multi-juntion ( PAM ) microwave launcher[ 48 ]. For ITER, there is already a pre-installed aerial. Therefore, another aerial had to be built from the abrasion and this might move as the mention for building of future merger power works ( 36 ) . The chief stuff challenge here is to manufacture a multi-waveguide construction for the moving ridge transmittal from the electromagnetic moving ridge generator to the vacuity vas. In ITER, the construction will necessitate the machining of Cu to the chromium steel steel by brazing. The fabrication of such devices face with a figure of proficient troubles which the chief troubles being the detonation bonding between the Cu and chromium steel steel for dual and ternary beds of stuff would deformed by the residuary internal emphasis after heat intervention and machining. Therefore, a particular brazing tool is required. A Gallic company, CEA, had proposed a engineering whereby the brazing tool allows commanding of the constituent contact force per unit area at high temperature under vacuity. ( 36 ) However, there is another type of electromagnetic moving ridge warming in ITER. It functions like a microwave with the lone difference being the microwave operates at megawatt power. It is called Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating ( ECRH ) and it will heats the negatron utilizing an electromagnetic moving ridge of 170 GHz, the resonating frequence of the negatrons and the negatrons will so reassign its energy to the plasma ( 17 ) . Among the designs, there is a design that requires a â€Å" square corrugated wave guide †. If such wave guides is needed, rapid chilling will be required every bit good as the power transmitted by the moving ridge is high[ 49 ]. Such device does non presently exist and therefore will post a stuff challenge of holding a wave guide that is corrugated with high tolerance and welded under vacuity tight status ( 36 ) . However, there is presently a paradigm of wave guide being tested at such high power and the consequence is really satisfactory. The company involved here is the Heeze Mechanics. Due to a design alteration of ITER, a wave guide as mentioned above might non be required for the minute ( 36 ) . Therefore, the suited stuff for such wave guide is non investigated here.Remote HandlingRemote handling is highly of import in ITER as explained in Section 2.1 and all the stuffs involved in the vass will non be replaced manually on-site but will be repaired remotely. It is expected that the divertor will undergo serious eroding and is expected to be replaced 3 times during the life-time of ITER ( 36 ) . Therefore, DTP2 installation will be built in ITER to transport out all distant managing occupations. This will move as an in-vessel conveyance system to take and reinstall any harm faculties. The inside informations of how distant handling will assist to mend the vass are discussed in great inside informations at ( 50 ) and ( 51 ) . The stuff used is non specified here but it involved the usage of automaton and progress electronics that is available at current engineering.Cooling SystemThe chilling system in a merger reactor must be really advance as it is required to chill and pull out a theoretical power of 500 MW. However, the chilling system here will non present a job to a merger reactor like ITER. This is due to the fact that the current engineering can manage a atomic fission power works that let go ofing 1000 MW of end product power. The choice of stuff for the coolant of the merger power reactor can be every bit simple as H2O. Although there is other proposed design whereby the coolant selected will be liquid Li and it will acts as both the tritium breeder and coolant in a merger power works ( 25 ) , nevertheless, ITER will be utilizing the H2O as its chief coolant to pull out the heat energy. The status of the H2O used here are of 3.8 – 4 MPa with inlet temperature of 140 A °C and outlet temperature of 190 A °C with speed of about 5 m/s ( 31 ) . The H2O chilling system will be arranged to go around the cover faculty, the heat sinks, the divertor, the divertor cassette, the genteelness cover and the vacuity vas. The piping of the chilling system will be unstained steel[ 50 ]. However, it is of import that note that the B content in the steel will bring forth He as waste at topographic points where the steel is stopping points to the H2O chilling channels. Therefore, the B content in steel used for in-vessels chilling pipe must be reduced to 0.0010 % , so that the He coevals can be minimised. For all the magnetic spirals, it is indispensable that they are cooled by ace critical He of approximative 4 K.DiscussionDecisionMentions
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Unit 3 Assignment
Unit 3 Homework – Template Problem 1: Suppose that the supply schedule of Belgium Cocoa beans is as follows: Price of cocoa beans(per pound)| Quantity of cocoa beans supplied(pounds)| $40| 700| $35| 600| $30| 500| $25| 400| $20| 300| Suppose that Belgium cocoa beans can be sold only in Europe. The European demand schedule for Belgium cocoa beans is as follows: Price of Belgium cocoa beans(per pound)| Quantity of Belgium cocoa beans demanded(pounds)| $40| 100| $35| 300| $30| 500| $25| 700| $20| 900| a.Draw the demand curve and the supply curve for Belgium cocoa beans. What are the equilibrium price and quantity of cocoa beans from Belgium? . . . . . | $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 700 600 500 400 300 The equilibrium price and quantity of cocoa beans from Belgium is $30. 00 / 500 pounds Now suppose that Belgium cocoa beans can be sold in the U. S. The U. S. demand schedule for Belgium cocoa beans is as follows:Price of Belgium cocoa beans(per pound)| Quantity of Belgium cocoa beans deman ded(pounds)| $40| 200| $35| 400| $30| 600| $25| 800| $20| 1000| b. What is the demand schedule for Belgium cocoa beans now that U. S. consumers can also buy them? Price of Belgium cocoa beans| Quantity of Belgium cocoa beans demanded| Quantity of Belgium cocoa beans demanded| Total Demanded| (per pound)| (pounds)| (pounds)| (pounds)| $40 | 200| 100|  | $35 | 400| 300|  | $30 | 600| 500|  | $25 | 800| 700|  | $20 | 1000| 900|  |Draw a supply and demand diagram that illustrates the new equilibrium price and quantity of cocoa beans from Belgium. What will happen to the price at which Belgium plantation owners can sell cocoa beans? What will happen to the price paid by European consumers? What will happen to the quantity consumed by European consumers? Problem 2 On Tuesday nights, a local restaurant has a kid’s meal special. Nina’s son, Braden likes the restaurant’s chicken nuggets, but Braden seems to be growing bigger every day and the kid’s meal is usually not enough.The restaurant does allow for additional purchase of chicken nugget servings. Nina’s willingness to pay for each serving is shown in the table below. Number of Chicken Nugget servings(servings)| Willingness to pay for chicken nuggets(per serving)| 1| $5| 2| $4| 3| $3| 4| $2| 5| $1| 6| $0| a. If the price of an additional serving of chicken nuggets is $3, how many servings will Nina buy for Braden? How much consumer surplus does he receive? b. The following week, Nina and Braden are back at the restaurant again, but now the price of a serving of chicken nuggets is $4.By how much does his consumer surplus decrease compared to the previous week? c. One week later, they return to the restaurant again. Nina discovers that the restaurant is offering an â€Å"all-you-can-eat†special for $12. How many chicken nugget servings will Braden eat, and how much consumer surplus does he receive now? d. Suppose you own the restaurant and Braden is a â€Å"t ypical†customer. What is the highest price you can charge for the â€Å"all-you-can-eat†special and still attract customers?
Monday, July 29, 2019
Internal Analysis and Strengths & Weaknesses for Costco in US Research Paper
Internal Analysis and Strengths & Weaknesses for Costco in US - Research Paper Example Firstly, Costco US’ organizational structure experienced a dramatic change when its depot restructured its working hours by reducing them from 16 to 9 operational hours a day. This streamlined their entire working schedule by saving them on the employment remuneration packages. In addition, the company resorted to readjusting their day-to-day operations to fit into their new working timeline. This increased the efficiency of all employees who had to maximize their efforts in order to keep up with the demands brought about by their new working schedules (Hoovers, 2012). Secondly, Costco’s Human Resources sector also experienced a change. Employees’ wages and benefits packages increased considerably. This ensured their employees remained dedicated to working hard throughout the restructuring phase, which brought about several changes within the organization’s structure. As a result, the company recorded extremely low employee turnover rates despite the new, intensive working hours introduced by the company’s management. Therefore, this provided the management with an opportunity to boost the morale of employees in a crucial time, which entailed the company undergoing some massive organizational changes. Most organizations are aware of the repercussions brought about by demoralized employees resulting from the introduction of changes affecting the entire organization. Therefore, Costco’s decision to increase the wages and benefits awarded to employees was a strategic move that would help counter future problems resulting from the organization deviating from the norms. Just like other organizations, Costco relies on the satisfaction of their stakeholders. Meaning, appeasing them is the first item on their priority. Since, its establishment, Costco continues to rely on customer loyalty as an integral part of sustaining business operations. Therefore, they approach their CSR strategies from the point of view of their stakehol ders. This means that they ensure the company operates in a way that their stakeholders would approve of without causing any negative reactions. Therefore, the pricing of their products occurs in a way that attracts and maintains the loyalty of their members. Furthermore, they also ensure the quality, and the uniqueness of goods and services offered remain high. Costco strives to maintain an exceptional relationship with its stakeholders. An analysis of Costco’s internal operations presents the following strengths or capabilities (Goldberg 2006). They include: †¢Low mark-up policy- the 15% and below profit mark-up policy on their goods allows Costco’s to set low, affordable prices for their clients. This helps to maintain customer loyalty while attracting new customers. Clients are also able to purchase goods for future sale at prices which will allow them to price their goods at reasonable prices. †¢Rarity in the goods they stock- this provides customers wit h unique goods rarely stocked by other stores. The fact that these goods’ prices are also cheap makes Costco people’s preferred place to shop. †¢Consistent, reliable supply of goods- Costco’ US depot receives goods from 17 other Costco depots ensuring that there is a consistent supply of the various goods stocked by the store. †¢High employee satisfaction within the organization- Costco increased their
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Government mandated use of ethanol in consumer used gas stations Essay
Government mandated use of ethanol in consumer used gas stations - Essay Example Ethanol in the US is an alternative to foreign oil. The government established that it is easier to rely on ethanol for energy other than relying on foreign countries for oil. For many years, there has been use of oil as a source of energy in running machines. There has also been a constant rivalry between countries on the control of oil and its products. In addition to this, the oil wells are on the state of almost complete depletion and at one time, there will be no more of it. The government decided to seek an alternative source of energy that is reliable and easier to regenerate (Shawn & Kimberly 168). Another advantage of ethanol is that it is of an organic origin. Ethanol is a plant-based fuel whose production hails from agricultural products such as corn, waste paper, wheat, sugarcane and sorghum. The resources used to produce it are available locally from farmers. This easy availability makes it easier to rely upon as compared to oil. In using locally produced raw material, it also contributes to the development of the economy making it economically friendly (Gaffigan 42). Ethanol is environmentally friendly. When producing energy, ethanol burns cleaner than gasoline. Car users note that ethanol does not produce large amounts of toxic materials to the environment as compared to the alternative gasoline. The commodity does not contain toxic materials such as lead and benzene, which compose the components of gasoline making it toxic. This advantage, of being environmentally friendly, gains ethanol’s popularity over gasoline (Shawn & Kimberly 168). Although ethanol is friendly to the natural environment, scientists prove it very corrosive. Ethanol is a good absorber of water and dirt. This property enables it to absorb water and dirt in the engines of motor vehicles. In the event that the water and dirt does not filter out properly, it causes corrosion and a lot of damage in the interior of the engine block. In addition to
Saturday, July 27, 2019
At aparticular period in American history, explain why i consider it Term Paper
At aparticular period in American history, explain why i consider it so important - Term Paper Example Slavery and slave trade thrived in the US greatly in the periods preceding and during the 1800s. However, with the turn of the new century, many political leaders came to realise the nature of activity that was slavery (Olsen 25). They appreciated slavery as an ill, something that went against the fundamental human rights. The leaders saw the need to free slaves, mostly Africans, and give them an opportunity to return to their native land. This change of ideals saw the American Colonization Society establish Liberia as a centre for freed slaves. Although the idea of repatriating slaves from white society was rejected in the 1840s, based on the principles propagated during the great awakening, the central idea of freedom of slavery remained a core issue in the administration of the nation. For the first time in the history of the United States, African Americans took a central role in the determination of their history as they participated actively and in some cases actually led aboli tionist movements. The 1860s marked a major turn in the history of the US as it was the climax of the war against slavery as marked by the American Civil War (Chambers 54).
Margaret Thatcher Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Margaret Thatcher - Essay Example Five years later, she strongly supported Keith Joseph in his mission to become Conservative Party leader but unfortunately he couldn't remain in the election. After gaining great experience she became the leader of the Conservative party in 1975. Thatcher entered the contest herself and became leader of the Conservative Party. It was 1979 when Margaret Thatcher became England's first female Prime Minister. (Thatcher, 1993, pp-27) In the Conservative manifesto of 1979, she had written about the feeling of helplessness that a nation which was once called a great nation has fallen behind with time. Thatcher entered ten determined to reverse the national decline of the country, which was characterized by a combination of high unemployment, high inflation and stagnant growth. The political philosophy and the economic policies of Thatcher emphasized on the financial sector, selling off of state owned companies and flexible labor markets. (Thatcher, 1993, pp-32) Because of high unemployment and recession her popularity amongst people decreased, with the help of economic recovery and the success of Falklands War which brought a great support for her and in the election of 1983 she was elected again. During her leadership she been through very hard times for example, Brighton hotel bombing which was the attempt to assassinate her, but she survived. Margaret also took a hard line against all the trade unions. Because of her hard words and tough talking she was also know as the Iron Lady. In 1987 she was again elected for the third term. The same year was not good for her and it proved difficult as the Poll tax plan became unpopular and her views about the European Community were also not shared in the Cabinet. (Thatcher, 1997, pp-17) In the November of 1990 she resigned as the Prime Minister. Her period as Prime minister proved longest after the record of Lord Salisbury and she also had a record of spending continuous longest period after Lord Liverpool. She also became the first lady to lead a political party in the England. Thatcher is also the first of only five women to have the four great offices of a state. She also has a peerage as Baroness Thatcher, in the County of Lincolnshire; this made her eligible to sit in the House of Lords. (Thatcher, 1997, pp-34) Thatcher's economic and political philosophy focused on entrepreneurialism and free market. She tried her best to end what she thought was excessive government interference in the economic policies, and therefore she decided to privatized many nationally owned companies and made a policy of selling public housing to tenants at reduced prices. Thatcher was deeply influenced by monetarist thinking as exposed by Milton Friedman, Thatcher started her economic reforms by focusing on increasing interest rates to try lower inflation. Thatcher also ordered to place limits on the printing of money and she thought that legal restrictions on trade unions should be there, in her battle to handle inflation and settle the disputes among trade union she found it very difficult. UK's economy was not good during the whole 1970s. In pursuit of her anti interventionist views Thatcher introduced the system of cash limits on public spending, and tried to reduce expenditures on social services such as edu cation and housing un till 1988. In the same period
Friday, July 26, 2019
Princeton Readings in Political Thought - Mitchell Cohen, Nicole Essay
Princeton Readings in Political Thought - Mitchell Cohen, Nicole Fermon. V.I. Lenin, Roskin, Sun Tzu - Essay Example Most often, however, war begins because there is an economic benefit to engaging in violence. What might end war is the growing interdependence of nations for economic stability. As developing nations continue to join the growing number of intertwined economies, world peace may be achieved where ‘war’ becomes swift takeovers through economic domination that occurs without violence. One example of a war that was fought over the declaration of a difference in ideologies but was engaged for the purposes of economic advantages is the Vietnam War. The base issue of the conflict begins with the imperialism of France and of Japan as those nations took hold of Indochinese territories with the intent of gaining economic control of those regions. As Communism began to grow in China, the leader of Ho Chi Minh began to take territories that were near to the Chinese borders, taking advantage of both France and Japan whose militaries were weak in comparison to the Chinese (Tucker). As the allied nations began to take part in coming to the aid of France in regard to the territories in question, the propaganda of the war was that it was being fought to save the Vietnamese people from the horrors of Communism, but the truth is that the allies came to the aid of Imperialistic French interests, making the war conditioned upon economics rather than ideologies. Radical belief systems do not always require an economic foundation for the attempt to dominate the world, but economics will motivate a great deal of the consequences and actions of other nations in response to war. Radical belief systems cannot be overcome by any sense of reason and must be engaged in order to stem the violence that might come from belief systems that discount the right to life. An example of this type of leader can be seen in Adolf Hitler. However, even World War II occurred
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Introduction to Indigenous Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Introduction to Indigenous Australia - Essay Example Religious men referred to Aborigines as immoral, unfit to be in any divine presence and that they were in the same level as brutes. The opinions of scientists were by far the crudest of them all. Scientists classified Aborigines based on the blood types and brain functioning as if they were some animal that needed to be analyzed for further understanding. They further said that aborigines were more of apes that the human race. Learned people looked into the life of Aborigines with contempt and disregard. They claimed that Aboriginal people were adept at making poor judgments and thus needed direction to make sound decisions (Dodson, 2003). These were particularly nasty perspectives and Dodson seeks to review them with a critical eye. He says that these early settlers do not know the Aborigines and so they are not in a position to refer to them in any way. According to him, these early settlers should have a firsthand experience with the Aboriginal people before judging them. This pap er will try to review Dodson’s perspective of Aboriginality critically with the aim of understanding his perspective of the issue. Dodson shows his concern for the colonizers being obsessed with the aborigines and aboriginality. These colonizers have made it their passion to look into the aborigines and also labeling them all kinds of this they deem fit. Dodson concern is seen when he notes that colonizers have made aboriginality seem like a mystery to be solved. He says that there are cases where aborigines have been referred to half bloods, full blood, hybrids, real and inauthentic. At some point, there was a suggestion that for one to be a legitimate aborigine, then he was to have more than 50% of aboriginal blood. His concern is also seen when he speaks of how aborigines were initially considered heroes. He then this compared to how they are being ridiculed today by artists in films and other artworks. According to Ethnologists, there was a need to rescue the aborigines f rom their wayward animalistic behaviors. The aborigines were considered cannibals, savages and infanticides. They are also known to be vulnerable just like the other lesser races in the world. This is strongly contested as these aborigines are seen to be out of control of the fact that they are in their â€Å"twilight†days. Aboriginal people are voiceless in the society as no one has given a chance to speak for themselves. It is saddening that people do not give an ear to the Aboriginal people. The arguments the early settlers pass are based on narratives from early settlers who were biased. The biases of the colonizers are seen in their obsession to brand aborigines as a lesser race com pared to the other races. A study by the United Nation aimed at unearthing the issue of discrimination that was faced by the aborigines and other indigenous groups that were considered on the verge of extinction. The indigenous community was given legitimacy based on the race, dressing, ance stry, as well as, dialect. In cultures across the world indigenous people are considered marginalized, backward, illiterate, and with an archaic mode of speech. These indigenous groups have been objectified in the eyes of the early settlers. The United Nation report emphasized the need to allow an indigenous community to decide whom they wanted to be part of their community. The report further emphasizes the need for an indigenous group having their own definition of whom they are thereby giving all the other â€Å"fake†definitions a cold shoulder. It is their responsibility
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Free trade agreements' negative effects on U.S economic Assignment - 1
Free trade agreements' negative effects on U.S economic - Assignment Example This forms the need to write this report. NAFTA is an example of trading bloc in USA, which came into effect in January 1 1994. It is the largest trading bloc in the world and for this reason; we have used it as a basis of our argument. We have also used other trade deficits to back up our arguments. A free trade area is a form of integration in the countries represented. The countries enter to either a bilateral trade agreement or multilateral trade agreement. We shall define the meaning of the two different types of trade and give an example on each. USA has entered into a number of agreements with different countries for reasons such as: boosting trade, gaining a wider market for its finished and unfinished products among others. Trade barriers such as customs duty and tariffs have been removed facilitating free movement of goods and services in the countries (Davidson 1990). Agreements such as NAFTA agreement that was precendented by United States – Canada trade agreement has had both positive and negative effects in the growth of economy of the country. In the next pages we shall look both at the positive impacts of trade agreements made by USA and dwell more on the negative impacts of the trade. We shall use the NAFTA agreement as the basis of our arguments and othe r trade deficits to backup these arguments. Also illustrations will be used to show the situation in the ground. Business free trade agreements are treaties made between two people or countries to remove barriers of trade between them. These barriers may include tariffs and taxes. These free trade agreements between countries also allow people to move freely with minimum or no restrictions in member countries. The business free trade agreements help in liberalization of international movement of goods and services across countries. Countries that have business free trade agreements sign a
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Dilemma of Starbucks Coffee Company's Expansion in India Case Study
The Dilemma of Starbucks Coffee Company's Expansion in India - Case Study Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that Indian market operations have also been curtailed by the fact that local competitors have upped their stake in the market share through their own home-made brews such as teas and herbal drinks. The Indian experience has further been marred by recent government regulations such as the applied limits on foreign investors’ total paid-up capital share the company. It’s the pricing strategy of the Starbucks Company that has put it in trouble in India. â€Å"Make every coffee drinker who visits Starbucks leave with a smile by creating unique atmospheres at every location, providing satisfying products, and delivering our high standard of customer service with every cup of coffee.†Starbucks is aspiring to be the most respected and recognized brand in the market. They are keen on expanding quickly in existing and new markets and have created Starbucks Coffee International (SCI) to facilitate this. Inter nal expansion is facilitated by their ability to form joint venture agreements with Starbucks stores outside the United States, the development of new stores in new global markets and working with local companies of high repute. Starbucks has realized that customers are their major asset. They lay great emphasis on creating their locations. Starbucks has realized that increasing profits is one of their major successors in time to come. Starbucks aim is to form relationships with renowned third parties who share their values and maintain high quality. Starbucks is always in the process of experimenting and creating new products and services to satiate their customers. The greater portion of Starbuck’s sales comes from their coffees and Italian-style espresso beverages. Apart from coffee Starbucks also has a wide range of products that includes pastries, coffee-related accessories, sweets, and equipment. They also started selling premium tea at their outlets. The company contin ues to expand its repertoire of products by introducing candy bars and fruit juices that can be found in supermarkets.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Level 3 Childcare Education Essay Example for Free
Level 3 Childcare Education Essay Describe the initiatives which influence the provision of challenging environments for children (5 marks) There are different types of international, national and local initiatives which influence the provision of challenging environments for children. An example of an initiative is the Forest Schools. ‘A Forest School is an innovative educational approach to outdoor play and learning’ http://www. forestschools. om/what-happens-at-a-forest-school/ Forest schools can influence the provision of a challenging environment, as the teachers can take the children in small groups every week to the local woods to have a better understanding of the outdoor environment and it’s linked to the curriculum. By doing this it enables children to be able to be in a safe environment when exploring and having adventures so they can see what things they can do when they go into the woods next time. It can also help children with problems such as language problems as this allows them to speak about the experience they are having which can then be taken to the classroom and then it could be turned into a story to help the child. When going into the woods it helps to cater the behaviour for the problem children and it also teaches children when they can and can’t mess around. It also focuses on the fundamental aspect of the Forest School innovation educational approach. The Forest School provides ways for meeting learning objectives while developing practical life skills and encouraging child-initiated learning, which is observed and assessed. Lots of young children prefer to be outside than in the classroom environment because they can find it more exciting and they might pay more attention. Word Count- 240
Facebook Manic Essay Example for Free
Facebook Manic Essay Facebook is a social networking service launched in February 4, 2004, owned and operated by Facebook, Incorporated. The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by some university administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin (business aspects), Andrew McCollum, (graphic artist), Dustin Moskovitz (programmer), and Chris Hughes. According to The Harvard Crimson, the site was comparable to â€Å"Hot or Not†and used photos compiled from the online facebooks of nine houses, placing two next to each other at a time and asking users to choose the hotter person. The websites membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and eventually to anyone aged 13 and over. Facebook has affected the social life and activity of people in various ways. With its availability on many mobile devices. Facebook allows users to continuously stay in touch with friends, relatives and other acquaintances wherever they are in the world, as long as there is access to the Internet. It can also unite people with common interests and/or beliefs through groups and other pages, and has been known to reunite lost family members and friends because of the widespread reach of its network. January 2009 study ranked Facebook as the most used social networking service by worldwide monthly active users. Quantcast estimates Facebook has 138.9 million monthly unique U.S. visitors in May 2011. According to Social Media Today, in April 2010 an estimated 41.6% of the U.S. population had a Facebook account. Facebook has turned into a national obsession in the United States, resulting in vast amounts of time lost and encouraging narcissism. Facebook being one of the most famous social networking site comes with it’s own pros and cons. There are many disadvantages of using facebook. Many people believe that facebook has a lot of advantages and is convenient to use. But they ignore all the disadvantages that come with it. Excess of everything is bad and the statement is true for facebook.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Hybrid Electric Energy Integrated Cluster
Hybrid Electric Energy Integrated Cluster Project Acronym: HELENIC-REF Project Title: Hybrid Electric Energy Integrated Cluster concerning Renewable Fuels This project has been funded by the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The information in this document reflects only the authors views, not the opinion of the European Union. Neither the REA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. The deliverable describes the data that will be obtained for HELENIC-REF, the procedure for obtaining, managing, storing these data. An explanation of naming, version controlling and preserving the data will be given, along with the procedure of sharing the data per the participation of the project in Open Research Data Pilot. HELENIC-REF (Hybrid Electric Energy Integrated Cluster concerning Renewable Fuels) project refers to the establishment of a new sustainable methodology of production of energy or fuels. HELENIC-REF is participating on the Open Research Data Pilots which a pilot action in H2020 on open access to research data. The foresight for the Data Management Plan is dictated by the three main objectives of the HELENI C-REF project: The reduction method based on the Lorenz electron forces The production of hydrogen using magnetite catalyst The production of hydrocarbons based on the production of hydrogen and the Lorenz electrons The following plan describes the data that will generated in connection of these objectives in the research project. It speaks about the methods of collection, the way they will be shared and how they will be stored, backup and preserved. The data that will be produced in the project can be divided in three wide categories, computer software, research data and metadata, and manuscripts and dissemination material. 3.1 Computer Software HELENIC-REF will produce software for measurement and instrumentation and modelling. The source code will be stored and shared among the partners in ZIP archives, which in the most common format for this purpose. Source code will have standard programming language format either in .m or .vi depending for the program in which was created. 3.2 Research data and metadata This category refers to the data that will be collected from the different experiments that will be carried in the project from each partner. The data will be stored in standard format of .txt, .csv to be accessible easily from any type of software for further processing of evaluation. The main categories of the research data that will be produced in the project cover the following areas. Information on the catalyst Information on the developed experimental apparatus for the reduction process Information on the developed experimental apparatus for the hydrogen production Information on the developed reactor for the hydrocarbon production 3.2.1 Information on the catalyst. The data produced on the catalyst will refer mainly on the its structural characterization and will be produced with different methods described in Section 4. 3.2.2 Information on the developed experimental apparatus for the reduction process The reduction process will be based on Lorenz electron reactor operation. The data will be produced and collected from the measurement of this activity with the used of different measurement method such as chromatography, structural characterization etc. (More details in Section 4) 3.2.3 Information on the developed experimental apparatus for the hydrogen production This data will be produced by monitoring different parameters of the designed experimental apparatus, such as temperature, pressure, electro-magnetic conditions etc. 3.2.4 Information on the developed experimental apparatus for the hydrogen production The Hydrocarbon production will be made by either use the produced hydrogen or the Lorenz electrons. This procedure has different approaches and each will produce its own data sets 3.2.5 Information on the developed reactor for the hydrocarbon production These data will be produced by the process or the burning the accumulated hydrogen and oxygen. 3.3 Manuscripts Manuscripts refers to the all the documents produced during the project, deliverables, publications, internal documents. Microsoft WORD (.doc) will be used for the draft versions and both WORD and PDF formats will be used for the final ones. 3.4 Dissemination material HELENIC-REF will produce different types of dissemination materials, flyers, public presentations, videos, presenting the idea and the achievements of the project. For the flyer, the final format will be an image on .JPEG or bitmap .BMP. The presentations will be either in Microsoft PowerPoint format or PDF. All the dissemination material will be shared in public only in PDF format or hardcopy. For the video widely used format will be used as AVI or MOV. 4.1 Creation and collection of the data In this section the methodology for the collection and the creation of each of the data category will be presented. 4.1.1 Computer Software The software produced in HELENIC-REF will be mainly to gather and process the data from the different types of sensors that the partners will use during the experimental procedure. National Instruments Suite will be used from all the partners for the data acquisition of some of the sensors and the commercial software of the devices for the gas analysis, flow meter etc. In addition, software code will be produced during the modeling procedure with the use of MATLAB. Its time a new version of code will be produced, will be released among the partners to update their versions if needed. 4.1.2 Research data and metadata Research data will be produced during the experimental procedure of the project and the further processing of these data. As previous said these data can be divided in the four main categories. The methods for the collection of the data in each category involve scientific equipment and sensors. The data produced on the catalyst will be made through measurements on: Electron microscopy X-ray diffraction FTIR Raman spectroscopy In addition, the resistivity of the catalyst will be monitored and data will be produced from its structural modelling. The methods to produce the datasets on the reduction process will be based on: On-line oxygen flow measurement using sensors and/or chromatography On-line resistivity monitoring On-line parametric control (Air flow, temperature, current, magnetic field) Periodic structural characterization Modeling of the reduction process The datasets for the Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon production, they will be obtained through measurements by both the operating conditions of the experiment: Temperature Pressure Water flow rate for steam generation Inlet inert flow rate (N2) Output gaseous flow rate Output gaseous flow rate (hydrogen and oxygen) And the electro-magnetic conditions: Current flow along the catalyst Magnetic field vertical to the current flow on the catalyst Resistivity on the catalyst 4.1.3 Manuscripts and dissemination material All the documentation of the project, deliverables, internal reports, material for dissemination will be produced by the Microsoft Office Suite 4.2 Naming, versioning and handling of the files. The structure of the archiving of the data will follow the WP and task organization. The parent folder will be named under the Work Package number and the children folders with the name of the task. The structure will be the same for the different type of data, research software, dissemination material. The structure of the folders can be seen in Figure 1. Figure 1: Structure of folder for Research Data archiving Research data from measurements will be accompanied by a log file naming who created the data or contributed, date and under what conditions they can be accessed. In addition, these datasets will be followed by detail documentation about the used methodology, the analytical and procedural information, if any assumption was made and the equipment used to obtain these (chromatograph, gas analyzer etc.). The naming of the files will be made accordingly to their content for easier identification. Especially for the data from measurement in the name of the file the generation date will be contained and a number indicating the repetition of the experiment that day filename_day_month_year_repetition for example if the date was 3 of March 2016 and it was the 10th time that the experiment for repeated then the name will be filename_03_03_2016_R10. For the rest of the files a version system will be used indicating the version of the file after the name filename_Vx. For the software where is needed for the versioning and revision tool like GIT ( ) will be used. For manuscripts, the writer/owner of the document will be controlling the version of in the name of the file but also in the Document History table inside the document. Each partner that will contribute in the document will use track changes and change the name of the original by adding he/she initials to the filename. 4.3 Quality procedures The Consortium has specified quality procedures for the deliverables and internal documents and the dissemination material. Each document generated by any partner must be circulated at least 10 days before its deadline for submission. Also, the Coordinator will check the document against any issues of plagiarism or not proper referencing. The content of any publication or dissemination material must be approved by the Consortium before submission and it is checked to include the acknowledgment to the EU funding. The equipment that is used for the measurements during the experiments is certified and calibrate to assure the accuracy of the data measured. But the correct measurements are depending on the methodology of the experiments and the ability to repeat the experiment and to obtain the same results. For this reason, the data obtained from the experiments will be compared with previous measurements to identify the similarity to the results. Also, the results of the experiments will be circulated to the partners to assess the quality of the findings. In addition, the methodology used by each partner will be discussed in weekly based skype meetings with partners for possible corrections or omissions. 5.1 Data storage and back up during the project Each partner will be responsible to store securely in their server equipment the data produced using the archiving system described above. These local servers are secure and the drives are periodically backed up. Through the development process, data may be shared on computers belonging to the partner staff. These computers are safeguarded through up to date virus and malware protection software. For sharing the data between the partners a designated secure area exists in the website. Access to this area can be done only with a username and password that has been granted to each partner from the administrator of the site. Maintenance of the datasets stored in partners server will be done in accordance to each of the partners policy. In addition, a back-up of the datasets will be held by the coordinator in a secure area in his server. 5.2 Data sharing and confidentiality Due to the novelty of the proposed method the consortium is willing to file for patents as soon as the outcome of the generated data will allow to do so. In addition the amount of the data that will be produced as can been seen from the description above will allow the partners to make several publications in high impact journals. The publications arise from the project will be open access in order to be exploit by not only the academic community by from the industry as this is the main goal of the consortium. Also, because as mentioned it is highly possible to file for patents, the consortium has agreed to open the data for sharing only after the patents have been submitted. But, the data concerning any possible publications will be available to verify the findings and clarify the procedure that is described in each publication. The Consortium have decided that the datasets from the experimental measurements will be preserved and used by the partners in future research activities. Similarly, to let researchers and wider public to know more about HELENIC-REF data from public reports, open access journals and conferences will be preserved along with the necessary data for validating the published results and for researchers to compare their findings. All dissemination material will be preserved and shared as soon as possible to let the public about know about the project. The Consortium has decided to preserve the data for 5 years after the completion of the project. All data to preserved will be kept in the partners serves and will be used by them before and after the completion of the project. The maintenance of the data will by each partners responsibility. The preservation of the public data is described in Section 5.3. 5.3 Data sharing The Consortium, regarding its participation on the Open Research Data Pilot, is on favor to have open access publications. For this reason, to share the dataset from this publications Consortium is considering to use ZENODO ( ) as the data repository for the project outcomes. In this repository, all the research data that are needed to validate the open access publications will be kept, free of charge to any user. HELENIC-REF datasets are to be shared for research and training purposes that is why they will be shared under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share-alike license 4.0 ( ). This license enables anyone freely Share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material With respect to the following terms Attribution, one must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made Non-commercial use Share alike (Share the data under the same license) All the dissemination data will be made available through the website and social media. In case a partner is required to share any of the confidential information, for example with manufacturers, suppliers or specialist companies, it is required to sign a non-disclosure agreement between them and after the Consortium Members are informed and have agreed. 5.4 Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues. Datasets are owned by the partner that generates them. Where several partners have jointly carried out work generating the datasets, they will have joint ownership of such these data. In addition, these partners can agree on a joint ownership agreement regarding the allocation and terms of exercising that joint ownership. The joint ownership results can be used by the partners for non-commercial research activities without requiring the prior consent of the others Joint Owners. The ownership of these dataset can be transferred per article 30 of the Grant Agreement. As mentioned above the public scientific datasets will be shared under the Creative Common license to protect the intellectual property of the owners against any commercial use of the shared dataset.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Medicaid for Millionaires :: essays research papers
Summary: Medicaid for Millionaires briefly touches on one of the many problems facing the U.S. and its current Medicaid policy. The articles begins by acknowledging the fact that Medicaid was originally formed in 1965 with the intent of providing medical care just for the poor, and how lately this hasn’t been the case. Today were finding out how more of societies upper-class are discovering ways to receive Medicaid benefits as well. The system is being called â€Å"Asset-Shifting†, were anyone is allowed to give away most of their assets (no matter the cost) to someone else and three years later claim the same medical benefits being set aside for the poor. As quoted in the article â€Å"there’s an entire industry being dedicated to making sure that other taxpayers, not they, be responsible for paying the nursing-home needs of the richâ€Å". Though morally questionable, more and more Medical Planners today directly counsel their well-off clients on how to take advantage of this loop-hole in our system. A more troubling fact is that of the 100% of the less fortunate that occupy the scarcer Medicaid beds being provided by the government, 70% of those in well kept nursing homes receive the same exact Medicaid benefits. Many government officials have tried to stop this on going trend by passing laws during the 90’s that required states to recover the cost of benefits from the estates of those who attempt asset shifting, however failing miserably due to half-hearted efforts.      To our governments credit the efforts of a decade ago didn’t break sprits of our lawmakers who still feel that asset shifting is a unjust practice. Four states have already implemented the new Partnership Program, which allows a consumer who buys, 100,000 in long term care to exempt that sum before claiming the rest of their assets, which would in turn allow that person to preserve money for their heirs and/or purchase the long-term care of their choice.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Diabetes Mellitus :: essays research papers
DIABETES MELLITUS In the United States, about 16 million people suffer from diabetes mellitus, although only half of these individuals are diagnosed. Every year, about 650,000 people learn they have the disease. Diabetes mellitus is the seventh leading cause of all deaths and the sixth leading cause of all deaths caused by disease.                          Diabetes is the most common in adults over 45 years of age; in people who are overweight or physically inactive; in individuals who have an immediate family member with diabetes; and in minority populations including African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans. The highest rate of diabetes in the world occurs in Native Americans. More women than men have been diagnosed with the disease.                          Diabetes can develop gradually, often without symptoms, over many years. It may reve al itself too late to prevent damage. In fact, you may first learn you have diabetes when you develop one of its common complications – cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, or vision problems.                                             Diabetes is a condition that occurs because of a lack of insulin or because of the presence of factors opposing the actions of insulin. The result of insufficient action of insulin is an increase in blood glucose concentration (hyperglycemia). Hyperglycemia is the unused glucose that builds up in your blood. Many other metabolic abnormalities occur, notably an increase in ketone bodies in the blood when there is a severe lack of insulin.      The condition may also develop if muscle and fat cells responds poorly to insulin. In people with diabetes, glucose levels build up in the blood and urine, causing excessive urination, thirst, hunger, and problems with fat and protein metabolism. Diabetes mellitus differs from the less common diabetes insipidus, which is cause by the lack of the hormone vasopressin that controls the amount of urine secreted.      The earliest known record of diabetes on third dynasty Egyptian papyrus by physician Hesy-ra; mentions polyuria (frequent urination) as a symptom in 1552 B.C. In the 16th century, Paracelsus identifies diabetes as a serious general disorder. In the Early 19th century, the first chemical tests developed to indicate and measure the presence of sugar in the urine. In 1919-20, Allen establishes the first treatment clinic in the USA, the Physiatric Institute in New Jersey, to treat patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, and Bright’s disease; wealthy and desperate patients flock to it. On January 23,1922, one of Dr. Collip’s insulin extracts are first tested on a human being, a 14-year-old boy named Leonard Thompson, in Toronto; the treatment was considered a success by the end of the following February.
Advantages of a Public Limited Company (Plc) :: Business and Management Studies
Advantages of a Public Limited Company (Plc) Tesco is a public limited company (plc). A lot of big companies go public. This is because unlike a private limited, a plc is able to advertise the sale of shares and sell them to members of the general public though the stock exchange. Advantages of a Public Limited Company (Plc)  · Shares can be advertised  · Shares can be sold through the stock exchange  · Large plc’s may find it easier to borrow from banks  · Shareholders have limited liability  · Cheaper borrowing and bulk purchasing Disadvantages of a Public Limited Company (Plc)  · Going public can be expensive  · Some plc’s can grow so large that they may become difficult to manage effectively  · Risk of takeover by rival companies who have bought shares in the company A lot of companies go public. This is because of all the advantages on top. The shares can be advertised so that means more people will see it and might invest in it. The shares can be sold through the stock exchange. This means it is open to the public and it’s not only the people who get invited can by its share. Tesco can find it easier to borrow from banks because the banks know that they will get their money back with there interest. There are several different types of owner ship. They are: * Sole traders * Parternership * Private limited companies * Public limited companies (Tesco’s) * Co-operative * Not for profit or a charity * Franchise Sole trader A Sole Trader is a business that is owned by only 1 person. They are responsible for everything that goes on in the business. An example of a sole trader is usually an off licence, taxi driver, sweet shop etc. Advantages of a Sole Trader ---------------------------  · Easy to set up – no legal formalities of fees  · Own boss and can make all the decisions  · Keep all profits  · Can be set up with relatively little capital  · Personal contact with customers can encourage consumer loyalty Disadvantages of a Sole Trader ------------------------------  · Owner have limited funds and may find it difficult to borrow money from banks  · Owner have to work long hours and cannot afford to be sick  · The owner have unlimited liability  · The owner must be a ‘jack of all trades’  · Small businesses are often unable to benefit from bulk purchase discounts. Partnership ----------- A partnership is a business owned by two or more people. There can be a maximum of 19 people in a partnership. Forming a partnership is one solution to overcoming certain disadvantages associated with running a
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Student Satisfaction in Jose Rizal University
Introduction Students’ opinions about all aspects of academic life are now sought by educational institutions worldwide, generally, in the form of a satisfaction feedback questionnaire. It is this student satisfaction survey, within the context of student satisfaction in JRU Jose Rizal University. In the Philippines, Higher Education (HE) students were considered to be the â€Å"primary customers†of a University ,even before they were liable for the payment of â€Å"up-front†tuition fees. Students are the direct recipients of the service provided.As if to confirm this status of the â€Å"student as customer†, the Commision on Higher Education (CHED) has introduced a National Student Survey. This survey is aimed at first year students to seek their views on a number of aspects of teaching, assessment and support provided by their university and its courses. The results will ultimately be used by the school to produce league tables of university performanc e. The position of a university in any league tables will impact ultimately on its image.Image has a strong impact on the retention of current students and the attraction of potential students. Indeed recruitment and retention of students has been moved to the top of most universities’ agendas by CHED due to their desire to increase the JRU student population in line with Government targets. Poor retention rates may have adverse funding consequences for University . This paper takes the view that student satisfaction, retention and recruitment are closely linked.Thus student satisfaction has become an extremely important issue for universities and their management. The aim is to try to maximise student satisfaction, minimise dissatisfaction and therefore retain students and so improve the institutions performance across a number of league tables. Taking these criticisms into consideration the questionnaire used in the satisfaction survey asked only for perceptions of performa nce of a range of service aspects (as well as importance) but did not aim to collect data associated with expectations.Indeed, the survey questionnaire was designed around the concept of the service-product bundle. This concept is discussed in the next section. The service-product bundle The outcome of service delivery is a tangible product, and a â€Å"bundle†of goods and services as the product offering . The service-product bundle refers to the inseparable offering of many goods and services including what Jose Rizal University has to offer its students. This bundle consists of three elements: (1) the physical or facilitating goods; 2) the sensual service provided – the explicit service; and (3) the psychological service – the implicit service. For a university the facilitating goods include the lectures and tutorials, presentation slides, supplementary handout documents/materials and the recommended module text. It also includes the physical facilities such as the lecture theatres and tutorial rooms and their level of furnishing, decoration, lighting and layout as well as ancillary services such as catering and recreational amenities.The explicit service includes the knowledge levels of staff, staff teaching ability, the consistency of teaching quality irrespective of personnel, ease of making appointments with staff, the level of difficulty of the subject content and the workload. The implicit service includes the treatment of students by staff, including friendliness and approachability, concern shown if the student has a problem, respect for feelings and opinions, availability of staff, capability and competence of staff.It also includes the ability of the university’s environment to make the student feel comfortable, the sense of competence, confidence and professionalism conveyed by the ambience in lectures and tutorials, feeling that the student’s best interest is being served and a feeling that rewards are consist ent with the effort put into course works /examinations. All of the above are based on students’ perceptions of the various parts of the service and the data is usually collected via some form of feedback questionnaire.Why collect student feedback? (1) to provide auditable evidence that students have had the opportunity to pass comment on their courses and that such information is used to bring about improvements; (2) to encourage student reflection on their learning; (3) to allow institutions to benchmark and to provide indicators that will contribute to the reputation of the university in the marketplace; and (4) to provide students with an opportunity to express their level of satisfaction with their academic experience.The last bullet point as the rationale behind the survey undertaken for the particular research project described in this paper. Keeping customers satisfied is what leads to customer loyalty. Research conducted by Jones and Sasser Jr (1995) into thirty orga nisations from five different markets found that where customers have choices the link between satisfaction and loyalty is linear; as satisfaction rises, so too does loyalty. However, in markets where competition was intense they found a difference between the loyalty of satisfied and completely satisfied customers.Put simply, if satisfaction is ranked on a 1-5 scale from completely dissatisfied to completely satisfied, the 4’s – though satisfied – were six times more likely to defect than the 5’s. Customer loyalty manifests itself in many forms of customer behavior. Jones and Sasser Jr (1995) grouped ways of measuring loyalty into three main categories: (1) intent to re-purchase; (2) primary behaviour – organisations have access to information on various transactions at the customer level and can track five categories that show actual customer re-purchasing behaviour; viz, recency, frequency, amount, retention, and longevity; and 3) secondary beha viour – e. g. customer referrals, endorsements and spreading the word are all extremely important forms of consumer behaviour for an organisation. Translating this into university services, this covers intent to study at a higher level within the same institution, how frequently and recently a student used ancillary services, such as the library, catering and IT services, and lastly the willingness to recommend the institution to friends, neighbours and fellow employees. Issues impacting on student satisfaction Price et al. 2003) recently reported on the impact of facilities on undergraduate student choice of university. They surveyed a number of universities over two years in order to determine students’ reasons for selecting a particular university. The average results for the two years were fairly similar – the top eight reasons being; it had the right course, availability of computers, quality of library facilities, good teaching reputation, availability of â€Å"quiet†areas, availability of areas for self-study, quality of public transport in the town/city and a friendly attitude towards students.Clearly, students’ perceptions of a university’s facilities are one of the main influences on their decision to enrol. Coles (2002) found that student satisfaction is decreased when class sizes are larger in earlier cohorts, and when students are taking compulsory core modules rather than optional modules. The quality of any of the service encounters, or â€Å"moments of truth†(Carlzon, 1989) experienced by customers forms part of their overall impression of the whole service provided, (Dale, 2003) and by implication, their impression of the organisation itself.As Deming (1982) commented, most people form their opinions based on the people that they see, and they are either dissatisfied or delighted, or some other point on the continuum in between. In order to deliver high quality services to students, universiti es must manage every aspect of the student’s interaction with all of their service offerings and in particular those involving its people. Services are delivered to people by people, and the moments of truth can make or break a university’s image (Banwet and Datta, 2003).In order to deliver total student satisfaction, all employees of a university should Ad here to the principles of quality customer service, whether they be front-line contact staff involved in teaching or administration, or non-contact staff in management or administrative roles (Gold, 2001; Low, 2000, cited in Banwet and Datta, 2003). In a recent survey conducted with 310 all male Saudi Arabian students attending the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Sohail and Shaikh (2004) found that â€Å"contact personnel†was the most influencing factor in student’s evaluation of service quality.However, physical environment, layout, lighting, classrooms, appearance of buildings and gr ounds and the overall cleanliness also significantly contributed to students’ concepts of service quality. Galloway (1998) studied the role of the faculty administration office in one UK University on student perceptions of service quality. He found that it impacted directly on students and influenced their perceptions of the quality of the whole institution. The office performance also had a direct impact on academic and technical staff within the faculty.These front-line staff in their turn had a direct impact on students, potential students and other clients. The main predictors of quality for students were found to be: . office has a professional appearance; . staff dress smartly; . never too busy to help; and . opening hours are personally convenient. Banwet and Datta (2003) believed that satisfied customers are loyal, and that satisfied students were likely to attend another lecture delivered by the same lecturer or opt for another module or course taught by her/him.In their survey of 168 students who attended four lectures delivered by the same lecturer, covering perceived service quality, importance and post-visit intentions, they found that students placed more importance on the outcome of the lecture (knowledge and skills gained, availability of class notes and reading material, coverage and depth of the lecture and teacher’s feedback on assessed work) than any other dimension.This supports the findings of Schneider and Bowen (1995) who deduced that the quality of the core service influences the overall quality of the service perception. For universities the core service delivery method is still the lecture. Overall Banwet and Datta (2003) found that students’ intentions to re-attend or recommend lectures was dependent on their perceptions of quality and the satisfaction they got from attending previous lectures. This is supported by the research of Hill et al. (2003) who utilised focus groups to determine what quality education meant to students.The most important theme was the quality of the lecturer including classroom delivery, feedback to students during the session and on assignments, and the relationship with students in the classroom. Research by Tam (2002) to measure the impact of Higher Education (HE) on student’s academic, social and personal growth at a Hong Kong university found that as a result of their university experience students had changed intellectually, socially, emotionally and culturally. This growth was evidenced as students progressed from one year to another as their university career developed.Is this also the case with student’ perceptions of service quality and satisfaction? A number of researchers have suggested that this might indeed be the case (Hill, 1995; O’Neil, 2003) although obtaining valid and reliable data to support such a stance is difficult. This study aims to determine if there are differences in those aspects of a university service that stud ents consider important, as well as their satisfaction levels, associated with their year/level of study, i. e. first, second and third. MethodologyA quantitative survey was designed to elicit student satisfaction levels across the University’s service offerings. The questionnaire consisted of __ questions informed by previous research studies and subdivided into the various categories of the service product bundle including, lecture and tutorial facilities, ancillary facilities, the facilitating goods, the explicit service and the implicit service. At the end students were asked for their overall satisfaction rating and whether they would recommend the University to a prospective student.The satisfaction questions were preceded by a series of demographic questions that would allow the sample population to be segmented. These included, interalia, questions regarding gender, age, level of study, mode of study and country of origin. Participation in the survey was entirely volu ntary and anonymous. The length and complexity of the questionnaire was influenced, in part, by the balance between the quest for data and getting students to complete the survey. The questionnaire was piloted among 100 undergraduate volunteers.The length of time it took them to complete the survey was noted and at the end they were asked for any comments regarding the validity and reliability of individual questions. They were also asked if there was anything â€Å"missing†from the questionnaire. Based on the feedback received a number of questions were amended and the design of the questionnaire altered slightly. It took on average 12 minutes to complete the questionnaire. In order to get as large and representative a sample as possible, we conduct survey question in first year student in all courses in were targeted.Staff teaching these modules were approached and permission sought to utilise for a few minuetes of their lecture time in order to explain the rationale behin d the survey and to persuade students to complete the survey in class. Generally this â€Å"personal touch†was successful in eliciting a good response. Over the course of the two weeks the survey was undertaken, only one person refused to complete the questionnaire. Researchers are divided as to whether or not determinants of satisfaction should be weighted by their importance because different attributes may be of unequal importance to different people.In this study both satisfaction and importance were measured. There is no such thing as the perfect rating scale. However, some produce more reliable and valid results than others. Devlin et al. (1993) determined that a good rating scale should have, inter alia, the following characteristics: . minimal response bias; . discriminating power; . ease of administration; and . ease of use by respondents. In order to accommodate these characteristics, the rating scale contained five points with well-spaced anchor points representin g the possible range of opinions about the service.The scale contained a neutral category and the negative categories were presented first (to the left). Thus, undergraduates were required to respond utilising a 5-point Likert scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very unsatisfactory, 2 is unsatisfactory, 3 is neutral (neither satisfactory or unsatisfactory), 4 is satisfactory and 5 is very satisfactory. This type of scale provides a common basis for responses to items concerned with different aspects of the University experience.The importance that students place on each criteria was measured utilising a 5-point Likert scale, where 1 is very unimportant, 2 is unimportant, 3 is neutral (neither important or unimportant) 4 is important and 5 is very important. Respondents were asked to tick the box next to the number that represented their opinion on each item. A sample of 865 students from a total within the Faculty of 3800 was surveyed. The questionnaires were analysed using SPSS v. 11 and Q uadrant Analysis conducted in order to determine those areas perceived as being the least satisfactory with the greatest importance rating.Finally, respondent focus groups were assembled to discuss some of the issues that required more in-depth analysis and which, due to constraints of space and time, were not explicitly asked about in the original survey. Results A total of  questionnaires were returned, although not all had complete data sets. Table I details the demographic mix of the respondents. Based on all student responses, the most important (i. e. list of the top ten starting from the highest value) and least important (i. e. ist of the bottom ten starting from the lowest value) aspects of the University service are shown in Table II. As can be seen from Table II the most important areas of the University services are those associated with learning and teaching. Interestingly, given the recommendations of a Government White Paper (HEFCE et al. , 2003) that from 200 6 all newly recruited university teaching staff should obtain a teaching qualification that incorporates agreed professional standards, the most important aspect of the service is the teaching ability of staff, closely followed by their subject expertise.The consistency of teaching quality irrespective of the teacher is also considered by the respondents as important, recognising that teaching quality can be variable. The students also recognise the importance of the lecture and tutorial, which is not surprising given that for most universities that is still the core service offering and is very much linked to the teaching ability and subject knowledge of staff. Teaching and learning support materials were Table 1. 1 Demographic mix of respondents GenderMale Female46 54 NationalityHome(Filipino)International89 4 Mode of StudyFull-time Part-time sandwich Level of studyLevel1 Level2 Level3 Note: Sandwich students are those whose program of study includes a year in industry Table 2. 2 Most important and least important aspects of service RatingMost ImportantLeast important 1Teaching ability of staffDecoration in lecture facilities 2Subject expertise of staffVending machines 3IT facilitiesDecoration in tutorial rooms 4LecturesFurnishings in lecture facilities 5Supplementary lecture materialsRecreational facilities TutorialsAvailability of parking 7Consistency of teaching quality irrespective of teacherThe layout of tutorial/seminar rooms 8White boardThe layout of lecture facilities 9The Learning Resources CentreThe on-campus catering facilities 10The approachability of teaching staffThe quality of pastoral support Note: Blackboard is a virtual learning environment that students can access off and on campus also ranked highly, particularly supplementary handout materials and the use of Blackboard for enhancing student learning.These are mostly associated with the explicit service delivered to the students and the facilitating goods. With regard to facilities, stude nts have ranked the importance of IT facilities very highly, reflecting the usefulness of connection to the Internet for research purposes and software packages for producing high quality word-processed documentation for coursework assignments and dissertations. This links well with the high ranking of the Learning Resource Centre where IT facilities can be accessed and books and journals ourced in â€Å"hard†copy or electronic copy. Table II also shows those areas of the service that students find relatively unimportant. These are mostly associated with the lecture and tutorial facilities and the ancillary services, for example, layout and decoration of lecture and tutorial facilities, catering facilities and vending machines. A further analysis was undertaken to determine whether different segments of the respondent population had similar or different rankings of the University services’ attributes with regard to importance and unimportance.With regard to mode of st udy, Table III shows the rankings for students studying full-time with the University. Whilst acknowledging the fact that 80 per cent of the sample population is full time students, the rankings of those service aspects considered most important are very similar to those for the sample population as a whole, the only difference being that â€Å"supplementary tutorial materials†replaces â€Å"approachability of staff†.Once again the majority of aspects considered least important are associated with the facilities and ancillary services When the views of Part-time students are considered, a number of interesting differences in their priorities are worthy of discussion. Table IV shows the rankings of service aspects for part time students. The IT facilities drops from third to tenth in their importance rankings, perhaps indicative of the fact that they have access to IT facilities at work and/or at home, thus rendering it less important relative to other aspects of servi ce.Blackboard (a virtual learning environment that allows teaching staff to make learning and other material available via the internet), on the other hand rises from 10th to 7th in importance indicating its usefulness as a teaching aid for students who do not attend the University on a daily basis and who may miss classes due to work or family commitments. Interestingly, the â€Å"helpfulness of technical staff†is considered unimportant, again reflecting their access to such help at work or a greater level of expertise on their part through working with IT on a daily basis. RankingMost importantLeast important Teaching ability of staffDecoration in lecture facilities 2Subject expertise of staffDecoration in tutorial rooms 3IT facilitiesVending machines 4LecturesFurnishing in tutorials 5TutorialsFurnishing in lectures 6Supplementary lecture materialsAvailability of parking 7Consistency of teaching quality irrespective of teacherRecreational facilities 8The Learning Resources CentreThe layout of tutorial/seminar rooms 9Supplementary tutorial materialsThe on-campus catering facilities 10BlackboardThe layout of lecture facilities Table III. Most important and least important service aspects for full-time students RatingMost importantLeast important Teaching ability of staffRecreational facilities 2Subject expertise of staffVending machines 3Consistency of teaching quality irrespective of teacherDecoration in lecture facilities 4Teaching and learning equipment in lecturesFurnishings in lecture facilities 5The Learning Resources CentreDecoration in tutorial rooms 6LecturesQuality of pastoral support 7BlackboardThe on-campus catering facilities 8Supplementary lecture materialsThe layout of tutorial/seminar rooms 9Supplementary tutorial materialsHelpfulness of technical staff 10IT facilitiesThe lecture facilities overall
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